Micah-part 6

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It had been a few days since Andy and Beth had arrived at the pack and everyday I became more and more stressed. Andy hadn't woken up yet so the only information I was going on was the little bit Beth knew about the vampires. I was once again pacing around the bedroom when Avery's mother Sarah quietly strolled into the room.

"Are you ready dear?" she asked with a gentle smile pulling me out of the bedroom into a smaller room with various pieces of comfortable furniture, yoga mats, and dim lighting.

Over the last couple of days I had learned that the pack could sense what I was feeling and were feeding off of my nervous energy, and I was basically making everyone around me on edge 24/7. When I lived in the Blood Diamond Pack, no one could sense my pain or despondency because the mood was overrun by the fear Alpha Ryan caused. I began to meet with Sarah to help me control my feelings better, she was a Luna once and had to learn these same things.

"How are you feeling today?" she asked as she lit some incense and we got comfortable on the couches. We start every session by taking a few minutes to gather our thoughts and talk before we do anything else.

"I get better and better everyday." I said with a sigh "I've been practicing the meditation technique you taught me on Friday and I think that one is my favorite so far. It not only clears my mind but it's helping me to put the past behind me."

"That's great," she said with a smile. "I was planning on teaching you something new today, but how about we work on perfecting that technique." she said with a nod "how are you doing with Andy.

"It's hard," I said with a sigh. "He still hasn't woken up, and Beth doesn't know much, only that the vampires sent them here. When I left the airport in Michigan I had a ticket to Oklahoma." I said shaking my head in confusion "When we landed I bought the next ticket to southern Nevada and then started running west. I don't even know how I ended up in Washington, all I know is that I was running for weeks." I said with a shrug. "On top of my confusion, I'm worried for my friend."

"Ann says that he is fine, his injuries are just taking a little bit longer to heal than expected." she said with a frown "and what about Avery."

"She's Avery," I said after a second. "She's been spending a lot of time in her office with her friend from that vampire clan, that's where she is right now" I said with a sigh.

"You're not worried about her and Amber right? She would never che-" she started before I waved her off with a smile.

"Of course not," I said. "I trust Avery, I just feel like she's looking for answers when we don't have enough information yet. You can't solve a puzzle if you're missing half the pieces."

"She's worried about you." she said with a smile scooting to the ground which I knew was my cue to follow. I closed my eyes as she turned the music on lightly and followed her instructions to take deep breaths. I was starting to feel my body relax when the door was slammed open and Avery came running into the room with big eyes.

"Andy is awake," she said, looking at her mom in apology.

"This is not a room for slamming doors Avery Lynn" she said.

"I know," she said in a whine, causing me to snort. "I'm sorry Mom" she said in her regular voice as she held a hand out to me.

"Is he okay?" I asked as we ran around the corner and ran into Amber.

"Hey Mic" she said as we walked into the infirmary where I heard Andy talking to one of the nurses.

"I need to talk to Micah," he said in his stubborn voice, "and I need to see Beth."

I smiled as Beth ran past us with tears streaming down her face and I heard an umph and Andy quietly whispered "Ow" as Beth sobbed into his shoulder "I'm okay Beth" he said softly as we walked into his room "are you okay?" he asked as he gently pushed her away to look her over.

"I'm fine" she said as they both looked up at us.

"Micah" Andy said with a crooked grin "it's so good to see you, Alpha Ryan said you were dead." he looked at everyone surrounding me in disbelief "I thought you were dead" he whispered.

"Not dead" I said with a smile "but, how did you know I was here Andy" I said "Beth said the vampires told you, but that's not possible, I didn't tell them where I was going."

"They said that they could see through your eyes," he said in confusion. "I didn't believe them at first. I mean, I've never heard of anything like that, but we didn't have anything to lose. So I figured why not, if you weren't here, then we could just start over somewhere new."

"That's not possible." Amber said looking at me with big eyes.

"What's not possible." Avery said looking at her nervously "what did you forget to tell me."

"I didn't forget." she said rubbing her eyes "It's not possible so I didn't even bring it up."

"Please speak in a way that the rest of us can follow." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Vampires are able to see through the eyes of their kin." she said after a second "the only way the vampires could see through your eyes would be if you were part vampire."

"I'm part vampire," I said in shock.

"No" Amber said after a long second.

"What do you mean no?" Avery asked.

"Vampires project a certain aura, it's hard to explain, but Micah doesn't project it." Amber said in confusion as Ann walked into the room looking down at a stack of paperwork.

"Micah's blood results have come back." she said shaking her head in shock "but they don't make sense, everything is conflicting."

"Explain" Avery said in frustration.

"She's part vampire, but only when she's wolf." she said looking up at us with a furrowed brow. "When she isn't shifted she's full werewolf."

Sorry for the SUPER slow update friends! Hope you enjoy!

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