Avery-part 1

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Ever since I gave up looking for her everyday is the same. I wake up run the morning training session, eat breakfast with the pack, go to the office, I come home, I eat dinner, I spend time with the pack, and I go to bed. I am Alpha of the BayMoon City Pack. I love being Alpha and thankfully my pack knows it, but every time I see a new wolf find their mate I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on something special.

As I stroll downstairs to eat breakfast before work I thank the stars that it's Friday I exaggerated when I said everyday is the same I try to plan pack activities on Saturdays to liven up the weekend.

"I tell you guys every morning you don't have to wait for me to start eating, please dig in!" A lot of packs have strict rules regarding the respect of their Alphas and while my wolf naturally demands respect I want my fellow pack mates to feel as comfortable around me as possible. As I sit down to eat I look across the tables at my pack and can't help but smile as everyone starts piling food onto their plates. I see some of the pups already making a mess throwing food at each other, I'll have to remind them to clean up their own messes before they leave for school. and I can tell one of the elders is about ready to share a story (probably the same one as yesterday) Breakfast is the only meal we eat together, unless we plan ahead of course. We eat it every day after training. Lunch and dinner is to hard to eat together; everyone's work and school schedules are so different.

I have a decent size pack, about 100 wolves, the weirdest thing is the location of our pack. The majority of our pack is located smack dab in the middle of a large city. Thankfully we were able to trade with a neighboring pack to get some open land next to the city so the pack has room to hunt and run. It's an odd set up and most wolves would hate it. So, because of that reason I tell my wolves on a consistent basis that even though I would miss them greatly I would understand if they wanted to leave. But for some reason we all love it and only a few of us have actually left.

I was smiling to myself as I settled down to work until my secretary buzzed into my office "Alpha, a rouge was found on pack land and Dame has her in the lobby."

I lean back in my seat and sigh "bring her up." I say and wait for Dame my Lead Warrior to lead the rouge into my office.

I really hoped today was going to be a simple day my wolf Tess growls to herself

A few minutes later I slowly stand up as the faint smell of orange and cinnamon hit my nose. My wolf whispers mate as a small struggling girl is lead into my office. My wolf growls as I watch Dame's hands tighten painfully around her arm. And smirk for half a second as she tries to drop to her knees. "Put her down!" I growl. I wince as I see my mate flinch so I slowly walk forward waiting for Dame to respond.

These were just two chapters introducing the two main characters! I already have a few more chapters written I just have to decide how often I want to update. If you have a realistic preference let me know!

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