Avery-part 3

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As I started to pack all my stuff up for the day I started to get a little nervous about walking Micah out of the office. We were making so much progress, you could tell she was starting to trust me and I was scared that walking out the office door would push her back into that nervous shell and she would inevitably pull away. 

As we were getting ready to walk out the door I realized that Micah didn't have a jacket, so I handed her mine. When she didn't put it on I held out the sleeves for her to slip her arms into. "What about you?" she quietly asked.

"I would rather you be warm" I said gently placing a kiss on the crown of her head and smiled as I held my hand out to her. She stared at my hand for awhile before looking up at my face. I started to turn to the door and put my hand down as I felt her gently slip her hand into mine griping it loosely.

As I walked out the door and turned to my secretary I told her I was heading home early for the day she glanced at Micah out of curiosity. Micah took an unconscious step closer to my side Thank god Tess said in relief. I gratefully smiled to myself, Micah clearly wasn't pulling away.

I mind linked my two Beta's as I headed out the door and to the car so they would know my plan for the rest of the day.

"Sue and Tyler" I said "I am heading home early for the day but I will need to meet with the two of you in my home office later on tonight. I will call you when I am ready."

"Yes Alpha." They both replied.

As we pulled up to the pack house I opened the passenger door and led Micah straight to the hospital wing. "Ann are you here?" I called out. Hoping the head medic would be in.

"Yes Alpha!" Ann said. And I could hear her scrambling towards us. She sighed when she saw that I was standing in one piece. "You scared me Avery." She said waving a finger at me.

"Sorry Ann." I smiled. "But I would like you to meet Micah, my Mate. She has a few nasty bruises on her abdomen that I would like you to look at." Ann smiled and laughed happily as I introduced Micah to her. I interrupted Ann before she could reach out to Micah and frighten her. 

"she's very timid so be careful." I mind linked Ann "When you see her stomach you'll know why."

Ann nodded and smiled as she smiled at Micah "Can you take off your shirt and lay on this table for me dear?" Micah looked at me before taking a deep breath and doing as Ann asked.

"well shit" Ann mind linked looking at me "who?"

"Her first mate, Alpha of the Blood Diamond Pack." I said  Ann nodded her head in understanding. Most of the pack have heard rumors of Alpha Ryan so Ann wasn't ignorant to his history.

Ann started to examine Micah's abdomen asking her random questions which Micah answered with surprising ease. Ann pointed out the same bruise that I did and said that she wanted to take scans to see if there was any damage. Ann led Micah away and I waited at the table for them to return.

"Alright" Ann said joining Micah and I back at the table once the scans were ready to be read. "It looks like you have some slight internal bleeding but with bed rest it should heal on its own. I'm just surprised it doesn't hurt."

"Oh, it does." Micah interrupted "Like a bitch." Her eyes got big as I snorted at her outburst.

"Why didn't you say anything about the pain?" I asked gently. "I could have helped you sooner."

She shrugged to herself looking around at everything. "I don't know I guess I'm just used to the pain." I held back Tess's growl. "We didn't have all of this fancy equipment in my old pack." She said looking at the IV sticking out of her arm, I had asked Ann to set an IV up as soon as she had returned. "why do you guys have all of this stuff if you don't have a wolf that heals slow like me?" she asked.

"For the humans of course" Ann said.

"You have humans here!" Micah gasped. "That's so cool."

"You didn't have humans?" she replied. I nodded my head in agreement as she administer morphine through Micah's IV.

"No, Alpha Ryan thought they were beneath us. I always felt bad for the wolves who mated with humans and were forced to reject them. I watched it tear apart one of my best friends." She said as she started to yawn "it was awful." I watched as her eyelids got heavy and her eyes started to flicker around the room in panic.

"Hey, hey Micah look at me" I waited for her eyes to find me. "You are safe here. I promise no one will ever hurt you again. I will always protect you."

I gently held her hands as her eyes began to close. "You promise?" I heard her quietly whisper before she drifted off to sleep. Once I was certain she was asleep I looked at her in contemplation before I turned to Ann.

"If that was a human dose of morphine it shouldn't have touched her pain let alone knocked her out like that" I said. "Honestly she seems more human than wolf. Do you think you could run any tests because I've never seen anything like it?"

"I can run some blood tests now and some more when she's in wolf form but that will have to wait another couple of weeks until she's healed enough. She needs at least two weeks of no wolf time!" Ann said.

"Thank you, Ann," I said as I wrapped Micah in a blanket and prepared to carry her into the house. I gently lay her on my bed before I called Sue and Tyler to my office for our talk.

"Thank you for coming guys. Now I have some good news and some interesting news," I said making them raise their eyebrows. "First I finally met my mate."

"Avery that is fantastic." Sue said standing up to give me a hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

"That's awesome Avery" Tyler said, "I can't wait to meet her."

"That's the interesting news" I said. I gave them both I quick run down of Micah's history and our visit to the hospital wing. They were both furious by the time I was finished with my story.

"What do you need us to do?" Tyler asked cracking his knuckles. Sue nodded her head in agreement her eyes flashed red in anger.

I smiled fondly at my Beta's it's moments like these where I know I made the right decision. "While I appreciate your willingness to defend and protect her. Blood Diamond Pack is in Michigan and it's probably best if they don't know that she made it all the way to Washington. Besides Micah is understandably timid right now and not ready to meet the entire pack. She did however take to Ann amazingly, so when she's ready I want to introduce her to you guys next."

"Of course, Alpha." They both smiled and nodded.

"Seriously though guys, thank you for your support it means everything. Goodnight." I said dismissing them. They both waved and left the room.

As I stood up to follow them out of the room Tyler poked his head back in the door and said, "But if you change your mind about the Blood Diamond Pack thing, I am totally in." I laughed and shoved him out the door as I locked it behind me and walked to my bedroom.

When I made it back to my room I checked to make sure Micah was still curled up in bed before I carried blankets to the couch in my bedroom. As much as I wanted to sleep next to her I didn't feel like that was fair under the circumstances. Before I closed my eyes, I smiled to myself as I thought about how different my life was about to become.

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