Avery-part 2

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I couldn't help but smile as a watched her study my face I had studied hers only moments before. Coffee skin, black curly hair, and dark brown stormy eyes. She's about 5'2" and way to small. As I lead her over to the couch I studied her face trying to understand her even more. Naturally it hurt when she had the reaction she did to finding out we were mates but I can tell there's more to her story.

"Micah," I said carefully "can you tell me why you had that reaction to finding out we were mates?" She started to hyperventilate and curl in on herself I began to reach out to her when I saw her eyes flash a different color, her wolf was trying to come up. I reached out lightly and caressed her face "Go ahead love, let her out."

She closed her eyes and when she opened them again they were a beautiful shade of teal instantly Micah's demeaner changed she sat up a little taller, stopped shaking, and shyly smiled at me. "Hi there." I said, "What's your name?"

"My names Kenzie." Her voice was silky smooth and strong It shocked me how different Kenzie and Micah's personalities were. Obviously, a wolf and their human are different but usually their personalities complement each other so much that they are often very alike.

"Wow" I said "you two are very different." I took a chance and laced are fingers together something I had a feeling Micah would be to fearful to do, I sighed in contentment as she clung to me just as much as I clung to her.

"We didn't used to be, but Micah has been through a lot. I couldn't protect her then because we were just too small, but I can protect her now. I can be the strong one while she needs to be weak. What you just saw, that's not the real Micah she's been like that the last month or so but that's just because she's scared." My heart is breaking as I'm listening to Kenzie talk. "She loves to laugh and talk with her friends. She can get lost in a book for hours. Before everything went to hell her pack was her everything. I miss talking to her. Don't give up on us please I promise I will do everything to convince her to trust you, I think you are the only person who can pull her out of this."

"You are my mate" I said looking into her eyes. "I am not going anywhere. But could you possibly tell me what happened to her?" I ask.

She sighed and shook her head "I want to, I really do but I feel like that's some thing you should here from her when she is ready to tell you." Kenzie says. I nod my head, and even though I want to know now I understand why we should wait. Kenzie looks at me long and hard before she says quietly "I will tell you that you are our 2nd chance mate." She takes a deep shaky breath that throws me off balance, Kenzie is supposed to be the strong one, what has her so afraid. She slowly lifts up her shirt where I see an underfed stomach littered in colored bruises at different stages of healing. Tess let out a vicious growl causing her to flinch, I slowly reached out to softly caress her face. Can we kill him? Tess growls in my head"Our first mate was the Alpha of the Blood Diamond pack. In my old pack if you get rejected your mate has the right to kill you, so we ran its been about 2 weeks and we've been running ever since" Alpha Ryan was one of the worst Alphas around, while I ruled with respect and love he ruled with pain and fear.  I'm serious, can we kill him? Tess asks lowly.

"I'm so sorry" I said my heartbreaking all over again I reached out and pulled Kenzie to me, when I placed a light kiss on her forehead I felt her tense up and I knew Micah had gained control again I quickly smiled to myself as I pulled away. "Hi you." I said rubbing my thumb across her cheek. I smiled when I felt her lean into my touch. She studied me nervously for a few seconds. "welcome back."

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