Micah-part 1

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Ever since he became my mate everyday has been the same. I wake up in the morning cook him breakfast, sneak out the door and go to school, come home and listen to him complain about how I wasn't home to cook him lunch, listen to him boast about how great of an Alpha he is and how everyone should bow at his feet and how I am a useless mate, cook him dinner, and then one of two things happen both of them terrible every night I am either forced to endure a drunken beating or forced to mate with my "husband."

I am the mate of Alpha Ryan of the Blood Diamond Pack. Ryan is a cruel sadistic arrogant wolf. He thinks that he is God and all should bow to him supernatural and natural creatures alike. Somehow the moon goddess matched me as his mate. And my life has been a living hell ever since. 

It was great until this point. I mean it sucked being a part of a pack that was known as being evil but my friends and I never were so we lived at peace knowing that. My mom and dad are Beta and even though they border the line between crazy and sane they always loved me. Even when I turned out to be an omega sized subordinate born to two Beta's.

Beta's are the second highest ranked wolves. I am their first born I should have had Beta power but I have none. Instead I have no rank and to make maters worse I'm the size of an Omega the lowest of the low. Omega's are treated like dirt. When I found out I was mated to the Alpha I knew I was screwed.

"Bye Andy." I said to my best friend as he gave me hug after school.

"Bye Mic, I love you." He said with a pained smile. Andy hated that he couldn't help me I had to convince him multiple times that I was ok, he never believed me. I ran back and gave him a hug before I left standing on tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

When I got home I knew something was wrong. Ryan was furious as soon as walked in the door he grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground. "I'm done with you wolf." He screamed, he stomped on my stomach and I grunted in pain. "I need a strong wolf to be my mate, not a weak wolf like you." This is when I started to panic. In the Blood Diamond Pack if you are rejected by your partner they get to kill you. "I Ryan James Alpha of The Blood Diamond Pack Reject you Micah Kyles useless Subordinate." my wolf didn't even have time to grieve the loss of its mate before he started to kick me over and over again.

I was in so much pain that I didn't hear my dad walk in the door and say "Alpha there is a Rouge wolf on pack land." Ryan looked at me and snarled before he took off. I knew he would be back for me and I was to weak to get up.

"Come on baby." I heard my mom say she picked me up and ran with me to the edge of pack territory. "I wish I could have done more for you we failed you I know." She said as she held me close to her as she sobbed harshly. "We love you dearly. You have to go no your father can only chase a fake rouge for so long. I will disguise your scent for as far as I can." With tears in my eyes I hugged my mom to me one more time whispered I love you and staggered into the woods.

With the help of some friends I eventually made my way to the airport, but that's a story for another time. I am now on the other side of the country from my original pack. When Ryan rejected me, he cut the link so I don't think he will ever find me here, at least I hope not.

It has been almost a week since I have eaten anything and I am starving. Now that I am far enough away from home I feel safe enough to take a break and eat! I walk into the city and stop at a small stand to check the prices of the food. Within seconds I am surrounded by wolves.

"What are you doing on are land rouge?" The biggest one says.

"Wh-what?" I stutter. "This is pack land?" We're in the middle of the city!  my wolf Kenzie screams to me. He grunts and rolls his eyes. He roughly grabs my arm and starts dragging me towards the tallest building in the city. "Wait, where are you bringing me?"

"To the Alpha." He says gruffly. "She'll decide what to do with you."

"Hold on a second." I say as we wait in the lobby of a building entitled WW industries. "Is this really necessary, how was I supposed to know that your pack was in the MIDDLE of a city!"

When he started to drag me upstairs I really started to panic "I'm sorry I swear I didn't know this was pack land It's a city for goodness sake I thought it was safe!" I said as I tried to pull out of the arms of the man towering above me. It was a pointless struggle his arm was bigger than my head there was no way I was getting away. "I promise if you let me go I will leave and never come back!" I say dropping to my knee's and taking him by surprise. Dwayne Johnson and I were struggling so much that I didn't even notice the sweet smell of honey and lavender or feel the Alpha presence until I heard someone growl out "put her down."

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