Micah-part 2

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"Put her down!" I flinch away from her Alpha power and whimper in fear, the last time I was in an Alpha's presence things didn't end so well. And things are already looking bleak for me the look in this Dame guys eye is terrifying.

"Dame I said put her down." She growls under her breath and slowly walks over to me "and leave us." The Dame guy roughly drops me and I grunt as my body falls in a heap onto the ground she growls as I groan in pain causing him to high tail it out of the room.

"Please look at me." She says softly as she kneels to the ground to get on my level. I keep my head down and start to shake. She reaches out and puts her fingers under my chin but I flinch away, she slowly reaches out again. "I won't hurt you little wolf." She says as she guides my eyes up to look at hers.

Mate Kenzie whispers

The corners of my mouth turn up as I think about the fact that I just found my second chance mate, but a second later a picture of my first mates face flashes across my eyes. That's right my first mate ALPHA Ryan. The blood thirsty ALPHA who ruined my life. The ALPHA who almost killed me and half of Michigan. The totally insane ALPHA who destroys everything in his path. And now I'm sitting in front of another arguably attractive ALPHA!

As I realize my new reality I gasp and take a shaky breath as I quickly scoot backward until my back hits the wall. "No." I whisper to myself "It can't be, this cannot be happening!" I assumed I would find my second chance mate but I couldn't believe the moon goddess would match me with another Alpha it must have been a sick joke. I saw hurt flash before her eyes before it was quickly replaced with a calmness

But for whatever reason she is our mate so we have to give her a chance. Kenzie Said

I don't know Kenzie, the last time I gave an Alpha a chance look where it got me. I argued

But I have a feeling about her we can trust her! Kenzie yelled in my head

Trust? I said Trust? How am I supposed to tr-

When I felt a hand touch my arm I looked at the woman in front of me who softly smiled "Hey there, it looked like you zoned out for a second. Were you talking to your wolf?" I nodded my head. "What's your name? Mine is Avery."

I looked at her a long time before I answered. She had long brown hair and her pale skin was a stark contrast to the greenest eyes I have ever seen. She never stopped smiling as I studied her face and she held her hand out to me as she slowly helped me to my feet. She was about 5'8 in height and you could tell even under her office attire that she worked out on a regular basis as I could see her muscles rippling under her clothing. I took a deep breath, "Micah, my name is Micah."

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