Micah-part 4

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I jerked awake sitting up straight in bed and started to panic, I couldn't remember where I was. Calm down Kenzie said you're in Avery's room. She's sleeping on the couch. My heart started to slow at Kenzie's words. What is she doing to me I thought. My head started to spin as I thought about the fact that I was allowing myself to trust her so easily. My breaths started to come fast as I stood up from the bed and started walking in small circles. Its times like these that I could use a hug from my best friend. Whenever I started to panic Andy would wrap me in his arms tight and hold on until I calmed down.

"I miss Andy" I said to Kenzie as I continued to pace back and forth.

"Me too" Kenzie sighed. Thinkning of his wolf Andy's wolf Zeus. 

I continued pacing around the room, I wasn't used to sleeping in open spaces. When I was on the run I had to stay hidden at all times in case I was being followed so I curled up as a wolf under fallen logs or tree stumps and when I lived with Alpha Ryan I slept in the omegas room. I don't think I will be able to fall asleep in this wide-open room. Try the closet Kenzie says and I roll my eyes at the suggestions I need my sleep but I'm not that desperate. So instead I lay back down in bed and watch the clock as the hour passes. The closet sounds really good right now Kenzie sings. I mutter under my breath and slowly walk to the closet door I step inside and close the door behind me so I can curl up in the corner. I roll my eyes as I hear Kenzie purr to herself.

I don't know how long I slept for before I'm startled awake by the closet door being yanked open. "Oh, Thank God!" Avery says as she drops to her knees in front of me. She reaches out and pulls me onto her lap "What are you doing in here baby? You had me worried."

I looked up at her before I responded shocked that I had worried her. "I was scared." I whispered burying my face in my hands. I gasped lightly as I felt her pick me up and carry me to the couch.

"What were you scared of Micah?" She asked me a look of slight confusion on her face. "I promised you I would protect you and I don't break my promises."

"I know, but-" I paused trying to figure out how to phrase my statement. "I'm not used to sleeping in such an open space, I felt so unprotected. These past two weeks all I did is run and hide. I mostly slept under fallen branches and logs that would hide me just in case."

Avery looked at me like she was trying to piece together a puzzle. "Well I don't think you should be sleeping in the closet, for multiple reasons, but especially because of your stomach. So I think that you and I need to brainstorm a few ways to help make you feel more comfortable sleeping in either my room or this house. Okay?" I nodded in agreement. "On another note, Ann says you are on wolf lock-down for at least 2 weeks so I'm sorry Kenzie but that means no shifting until you're fully healed. Now you're not on full bed rest but you are on take it easy rest, so that means no spontaneous dance parties. And I'll be working from my home office as much as I can for the next two weeks until you are healed."

"You don't have to do that." I protested "I don't want to be a burden."

She looks into my eyes and smiles "I hope to show you that you could never be a burden." She looks down and pauses before she continues. "I was a little nervous and a little sad when we first met, and you reacted the way you did. And then I met Kenzie and she told me a sliver of your story and I'm starting to understand. She told me that I didn't meet the real you that first day, and now I think I'm starting to meet you part by part, piece by piece and so far, I love what I see."

The way she looks at me is so different than the way Alpha Ryan did it's like she just won the lottery or like she's holding onto an expensive diamond. The way she talks to me is extremely different there is only respect and kindness. I have never once been afraid except for the fact that I'm trust trusting her so quickly. Seriously what is she doing to me, how can I be trusting an Alpha?

"So, what do you want to do today?" she asked. "I have a few hours to kill before I have to even think about paperwork."

"I know you're going to disagree with me, but I really want you to pick. My brain is to fried today plus I don't know what you have here!" I said.
"How about we just watch some movies then? A nice simple day nothing to stressful, no visitors just you and me." She suggested. I nodded in agreement It's been a long time since I was allowed to watch TV. "What genre's do you prefer."

I shrugged my shoulders "honestly I just love movies. I'm not a huge romcom fan but I can still enjoy them. I love thrillers and mysteries depending on the type, and musicals are fantastic. My best friends and I love watching scary movies together, and it's fun to watch horribly rated scary movies because you get a comedy and scary movie all in one! I could watch Disney and Pixar movies over and over again and I know its kinds childish but there so good! And I lo-" I stopped talking as I looked over at Avery and saw that she was looking at me with an amused look in her eyes "I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"Please keep talking" she sincerely begged "I love hearing these things."

"Really? Cause it's kind of a pointless topic." I point out.

"Maybe" she shrugs her shoulder and smile. "But you enjoy it and I enjoy, it shouldn't matter."

I squint my eyes and think about her reasoning. "I guess" I say as she smiles in victory. For the next 10 minutes I talk about my favorite and least favorite movies. Until we eventually picked a movie to watch. We watched a few more things before I fell asleep next to her. I woke up a few hours later to her filling out paperwork and typing on a laptop. Still sitting next to me. 

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