Chapter Ten

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Hey guys! I've written till' half of the story, and I promise it'll be exciting. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own most of the characters and plots, they belong to J.K. Rowling.


P.S. Vote because this is going to be Dramione as well. :)


My mouth dropped open in surprise. 'Her...Hermione Granger? Isn't that the muggleborn girl in Gryffindor?'

Drco scowled and sulked in his seat. 

'A muggleborn.. Dad is so going to kill you. You better get that out of your mind.' I advised.

'Don't you dare tell Father, you bossy little-'

'Hey hey hey! I'm not! I'm your sweet llittle sister, remember?' I interrupted.

'You better be,' he slumped in his seat and muttered under his breath. 

My brain was whirring. That explains everything... Why he always wanted to beat Granger, to try to get the highest score...Why he has always stole glances at the Gryffindor table .. Why he hated Potter and Weasley. It all made sense.

I smirked, and he scowled.

'If you dare-'

I sighed. 'Draco Abraxas Malfoy, you have my secret as well. I'm not a bloody Gryffindor, what makes you think I'll be so rash and tell Father with the risk you'll tell my secret too?' I paused for a moment. 'It'll be so cute if only she wasn't a muggleborn and a Gryffindor.' I added.

Draco continued scowling in his seat. 'Can we change the subject now?' 

'Sure, why not? I'm sure there's something juicier than your secrets.' I said sarcastically.

'Change.The.Subject.' he glared daggers at me.

'That's all you can do?' I crossed my arms and smirked.

'Forget it. Why do I have to argue with you? I have more things to do anyway.' he stood up,irritated.

'I know just what to do.' I smiled.

He whipped around. 'What?'

I stood up and said uncertainly. 'Alright, its a little complicated, but I think I can fix it.' 


I spent days and nights on that bloody cabinet, but one day, I got really annoyed. I'm a Ravenclaw, or at least almost, but this stupid cabinet prevented me from showing Draco what I could really do.

Draco sat in a corner in the Room of Requirement once more, looking at the cabinet as I worked on it.

'Ugh!' I kicked the cabinet in frustration. The cabinet wobbled slightly, then rocked back and forth aggressively. 

Draco and I were on alert mode when it did not stop rocking. 

'Wand on the ready, Lira.' Draco walked to me cautiously, wand out.

'Ready? One, two, three!' I flung the cabinet open.

The one in front was a Dementor. I couldn't see what was behind it, but the Dementor was already sending chills through my body. It was flashing memories in my mind; bad memories.

I was about to shrink to the floor, but I heard a voice; Draco's voice from far away. 'Expecto! Expecto Patronum! Expecto-' His feeble voice snapped me back to my logical mind.

I gathered my happiest memory- my boarding of the train to Hogwarts.

I waved my wand, eyes closed, 'EXPECTO PATRONUM!'

I could feel the warmth returning to my body, and I opened my eyes. The Dementor was gone.

Draco and I exchanged glances before looking back at the second monster- a Boggart.

It approached me, and I saw at once what I feared most- the Dark Lord.

I screamed in fright. I saw the Dark Lord grinning at me, waving his wand and pointing it towards me.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. 'Riddikulus!' Draco pointed his wand to it, and it changed into a pig wearing frilly clothes. I gave a giggle, and it vanished.

Without literal speech, Draco and I repeated the procedure while  waving our wands and saying, ' Specialis Evenesco'.


Cliffhanger LOL. I'll probably be updating another chapter after this, so wait patiently. :)

Vote, comment and fan! 

P.S. Go read my dramione fanfic, Only For You (Dramione)

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