Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys, I'm back again lol. 

Disclaimer: I don't own most of these plots or characters. They belong to J.K. Rowling.

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I opened my eyes.

I took in everything around me, the curtains of the train already up, and Avion taking the bags.

'Up already, darling? I was about to wake you up.' he flashed me a cute smile.

My memory flashed back. Us kissing, yep. No other things we shouldn't have done, thank Merlin.

I got up, brushed my skirt of any creases, and walked out of the compartment hand in hand with Avion( Or should I say Kenneth? Since he's my fiancee now.) 

I could feel all the stares burning me. Of course, the news must have got out. Gossip passes through the ears of the whole student body faster than anything. I whipped my hair to my back, and acted as if I was enjoying my time with Avion.

We arrived at the Great Hall, as usual. I could feel the Great Hall becoming silent, the chattering becoming softer. I raised my head at 45 degrees, and walked proudly towards the table and sat down.

'Lira.' someone hissed, and I could recognise that voice. But besides, he wasn't even supposed to be here...

I turned around and my eyes widened. 'Draco Malfoy? What on earth are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be assi-'

'Shhhhh!' Draco silenced me, looking at Avion. I stopped myself at once.

'Anyway, I'm here. Just so you know.' he turned back, obviously still furious about our argument yesterday.

'Draco Abraxas Malfoy, what's with the attitude? I-' 

He whipped around furiously. 'Do you need to make a scene in front of the whole school?' 

'It's you who's making the scene, please!' I argued.

Draco took a deep breath, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Kenneth Avion. I looked around. True enough, there were many eyes on me. I whipped around, fuming, purposely making my cascading hair whip Draco in the face. (Honestly, it was one of the best things I've done. Draco, don't get angry when you see this! I know you'd feel like killing me lol) I could hear him saying, 'Ow,' , and I smiled, most of the anger gone.


Feast was over, and we were led back to our dorms. I pinned the Slytherin Princess badge on my uniform, and had a Malfoy smirk on my face. All the Slytherins goggled at me, and I was happy of all these attention. Not to mention I have a smoking hot fiancee that is mine.

Slytherins always have a small meeting during the first day at Hogwarts, after the feast in the Slytherin Common Room. This year,  Head Girl is from Slytherin, so she's the one that'll organise it. If not, the Prefects would.

'Alright, Slytherins. Gather round.' Thera Erika, the Head Girl, announced. All the Slytherins gathered in a circle, with Erika in the middle.

'Right. I'm Thera Erika, Head Girl this year.' There was a little applause.

'Anyway, I'm here for a few announcements. Firstly, Slytherin Prince is Draco Malfoy, while Slytherin Princess is Lirana Malfoy.' A few gasps at this statement. 'Of course, Night is dead, we need another new Slytherin Princess.' I raised my eyebrows. Everyone clapped, well, not very enthusiastically.

I leaned back in my chair, lip curling. After a few announcements, Erika waved us to bed. 

I went into my dorm, finding Courtney, Lucy and Jane in it. Well, Jane still hates me, but she can't do much, I'm Slytherin Princess. All she did was give me a 'hmmph' and pulled the curtains around her bed. Lucy gave me a small shrug and smile before retiring to bed as well.

I sat down opposite Courtney, my one and only trusted companion.

'So...' Courtney said in a small whisper, 'What is this Avion business I'm hearing about?'

I told her everything, and she was a great listener. I felt great after telling her everything, even about the kiss I didn't want and Benedict Peverell.

She gave me a pat on the shoulder, and said in a whisper. ' Its alright, you'll feel better in the morning. Get to bed.' she smiled. 


Dawn came pretty quickly. I yawned and stretched when I woke up. Courtney was brushing her hair, while Lucy and Jane weren't in sight.

'Morning.' I yawned.

'Morning.' Courtney said stiffly. I shrugged it off, thinking its in the morning and everyone is tired, then went for my shower.

The hot water splashed on me, and I was feeling refreshed. I even sang in the shower, something I rarely do. After I've finished it, I turned off the taps, changed into my clothes and tried to unlock the door. That's weird. It wasn't locked. And I remember locking it before going in. 

'Oh well, I must've mistook it for another day,' I thought. I opened the door, just about to step out.

'Hello pretty.' the scars on his face, the big build. Avery, obviously on Voldemort's orders.  'Petrificus Totalus!'

I screamed, until the curse hit me and I could move no more. I looked blankly upwards, seeing him swoop down on me.



Alright, I'll try to write tomorrow, but no promises lol. :)

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P.s. Read my other fanfic, Only For You (Dramione)

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