Chapter Six

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YAYYY. Chapter six is up. Sorry for the delay, but I was at APYAC( Asia Pacific Youth Alive Conference) and was exhausted by the time I got home. 

Do vote and comment, I'll need suggestions.


Disclaimer: I do not own most of the plots and characters. All of them belong to J.K. Rowling.


I did a cat stretch as I sat up in bed. Most people say I'm like a cat, elegant, but bloody annoying when irritated. My left hand stretched towards my bedside table. And then I jumped. I felt a furry, massive thing, and when I squeezed it, it bit me! I pulled my hand back, wide awake, and looked at the mysterious furry thing.

It was Kaitlyn, my pet owl. I sighed of relief. And then I noticed the letter in its beak. I retrieved it from her, and with a last look of defiance at me, it took off to the owlery.

'I'm sorry Kaitlyn! I didn't mean to!' I called after her., but she didn't look back at me, no surprise.

I looked down at the letter. Dad's handwriting. Which meant bad news, mind you.

I opened it with slightly shaking hands, and pulled the piece of parchment out of it and read it silently.

Dear Lirana,

  The Dark Lord has just summoned your mother and I and told us he has assigned you a mission to earn your part as a Death Eater. The mission is for you to assist Draco in his mission, show him this and he shall tell you. Be careful with this letter, for we cannot afford anyone to intercept it. Write to us, we shall hear from you then.

Your Father.,


I took in a deep breath and looked at its contents again. I was shocked. The Dark Lord, assign me a mission? I thought to myself, 'Lirana Narcissa Malfoy, you're dead. Dead meat,' I slumped back into bed. I looked at the clock beside me. It was a Hogsmeade weekend, so I could laze around a little longer. Just as I was about to get back into the covers to escape from the living nightmares that are going to haunt my mind all day, I heard a blood curdling scream from the Hogwarts grounds.


After I changed into my robes, I swept down the staircase and ran to the gate, stopping at the gate and remembering I was a first year and wasn't allowed to wander out of the school's boundaries. I blame my part Gryffindor-ness in me, react before you think. Damn my curiosity, I wasn't even supposed to be here at the first place. And it was quite chilly, and I had only two layers on. I thought for a while, shrugged and prepared to step out of the school's boundaries. I'm a Slytherin, and since when Slytherins obey rules?

At that moment, I saw Filch coming my way with his blasted cat. 'Rats, its Filch,' I thought, and in a split second, I changed my gesture into trying to peer out into the grounds without stepping out of the school boundaries.

'Heh, what are you doing there, eh? Trying to sneak out?' he cackled.  

'Have you seen Draco? Has he went out?' I asked, trying to put on an convincing innocent look.

'Malfoy? He's in detention with McGonagall. Deserved it, I must say, not finishing his homework,' he cackled delightedly to himself. 

'Oh, thank you, Mr Filch. I needed him to help me something,' I smiled and curtseyed politely and turned to walk away.

I walked as fast as I could without looking suspicious , while Filch called behind me, ' Who are you eh?' I took no notice of him and when he was out of sight, I sprinted up the stairs.

Once I was in the common room, I panted and was more than relieved to find it empty. I walked into my dorm and to the window, trying to catch a glimpse of what happened outside. 


I whipped my head around. I knew it was Draco's voice, and I rushed towards the dorm stairs to see Draco sliding down, headfirst towards the common room. I giggled and took a cushion and slided down it.

'Expect you forgot guys aren't allowed into girl dorms, haven't you?' I smiled.

He scowled and looked away.

And a thought flashed in my mind, and I handed the letter to Draco, serious.

He skimmed through the contents of the letter, and threw it into the fireplace.

'I won't tell you anything,' he said, determined.

'Draco!' I cried, flabbergasted.

'I cannot risk you being caught with me! You'll be expelled!' he spat at me, a fire blazing in his eyes.

'Fight fire with fire,'  I thought, and said, 'But he knows! If it fails, we'll be punished together, no matter who does it!' I reasoned. I wasn't going to let him go through it alone.

He closed his eyes, so his grey eyes that resembled mist were out of my sight. Suddenly, he flicked his eyelids open,pulled his wand out from his robes and cast the Muffliato spell around us. 

I stared into his silver grey eyes, and found dread, fear and sadness in it instead of excitement and enthusiasm.

Then he said the sentence that I would never would have expected, a sentence that I wish was just a joke.

'I have to kill Dumbledore.'


Yep, I'm going to leave you hanging. Sorry its kinda short though, I'll try to make it longer next time.

Read and comment! Constructive criticism is always welcomed.


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