Chapter Nine

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Hello folks! I'm back! 

Sorry for the long wait, but I was helping out for Christmas, so I was kinda busy.




I went to the room of Requirement, same time and same place as the evening before. I saw Draco on the beanbag couch when I walked in. I flung my hair to my back and walked towards him. 

He raised his eyebrows while looking at me. 'Why hello.' I looked around and noticed only one cabinet was inside. 

I plopped myself on a purple beanbag opposite him, and took a sip of the green tea in front of me. It tasted heavenly.

'How did you get this green tea anyway? Its one-' I asked, but was interrupted by Draco.

'Of Golpatt's Third Law, right.'

I looked suspiciously at him. When did he become a know-it-all?

'So,' he cleared his throat. 'That, is the cabinet.' he pointed towards the only cabinet in the room. I glanced at him, then walked towards it. I knocked gently on it, not getting any response.

'Here.' he stood up irritably and threw an apple towards me. I caught it, confused.

'Open the damn cabinet, put the apple inside, close it, and say Specialis Evenesco while waving your wand. Aren't you supposed to be in Ravenclaw?' he scowled, and sat back into his chair.

I glared at him, and did what he said. 'Specialis Evenesco.' and opened the cabinet. Nothing was in it! I turned to Draco, smiling in surprise and happiness.

'Not time to be happy yet. Do the whole thing again.'

I frowned slightly, and did as he told. I reached out for the apple, and found there was a bite mark in it. I shook my head. 

'This isn't going to be easy.'

'Well, no shit Sherlock.' he threw his hands up in exasperation.

'Sherlock. You actually know Sherlock.' I said, suspiciously. 'That's it Draco. You have a secret, and you're not telling me anything. Tell me.' I raised my wand.

'Its...Its nothing!' he said hastily. 'I heard it from someone.'

'Who?' my eyes were still fixed on his, trying to detect some guiltiness in his eyes. He turned away. No mistake there, he has some dark secret.

'Look, what's it to you? Its none of your business!' he flared.

'I'm just a nosey little girl, don't mind me. Now tell me.'

'No! Just leave me alone!'

I shook my head, trying to suppress a smile. 

'Ugh!' he stood up, planning to walk away.

'Alright, how about we make a deal. I tell you my secret, and you tell me yours. Deal?'

He sat down, and looked at me curiously. 'What kind of secret could you have?'

'Oh, you wouldn't know,' I shrugged. 'I've got loads.'

'You wouldn't.' he said firmly.

'Are you Lirana Narcissa Malfoy?' I asked him.

He looked at me suspiciously. 'Alright, but you say yours first.'

'I fancy Peter Peverell. He seems...nice.' I said, blushing.

'No way!' he looked surprised. 'Peter Peverell? Does he know about it?'

I shook my head, then said. 'Its time you told yours.'

He moved uneasily in his seat. I smiled and said, 'Go on. Tell me.'

'Hermione Granger.'


Yep. Enjoyed it? Surprised? :)

Vote, comment and fan! Constructive criticism is appreciated. 

P.S. Read my other dramione fanfic, Only For You (Dramione) !

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