Chapter Thirteen

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Hai guys! I'm updating this as much as possible as I wouldn't be able to when my school reopens and this will have to be on hold. :(

Comments please? I need opinions and ideas to make my story better. Thanks. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own most of the plots or characters. All credits to J.K. Rowling.


P.S. Vote because you want we to update super fast. 


We joined the rest of the Death Eaters in the Astronomy Tower.

When we got there, I found Draco rigid, wand pointed at Dumbledore. Aunt Bellatrix went straight towards him, whispering into his ear.

I looked pointedly at Dumbledore, almost daring him to tell the world who I was, but to my surprise, he didn't. He just looked at me and smiled.

'I always thought you'll be the good one. I see Night and Sayer has polluted you.' Dumbledore said.

I stepped out of the darkness, revealing myself in the light, my face heavily painted with makeup, almost unrecognisable.

'Well, you thought wrong, didn't you? Night and Sayer are dead, and so will you.' I spat mockingly. My remark won a whole lot of jeers and applause.

'You want power.' Dumbledore said simply.

My heart jerked. 'But EVERY Slytherin desires power, don't they?'

'True, true. How strong is the desire to become Slytherin Princess.' he shook his head. 'You need love.'

'Love!' Aunt Bella screamed. That's all you have? 'Love? Enough of this chatter. Draco, do it!' Aunt Bella ordered.

Draco was shaking uncontrollably. Suddenly, Snape came in and pushed Draco aside. I stepped next to Draco and clutched his arm, reminding him not to back out now.

'Snape...Please...' Dumbledore pleaded, and I was in shock. Dumbledore, begging?

Snape's expression turned cold, and said, 'Avada Kedavra.'

And it was all over. 

'Lira, go!' Draco pushed my hand off, and pushed me towards the exit. 'You cannot be caught! You still have a future ahead of you!' 

'Draco, please!'

'No! You can be Slytherin Princess now. Go!' 

I took off and ran, after performing a charm on myself to make myself unseen. The riot outside was terrible. I ran back to my dormitory, washed all the makeup off when I found it empty and fell into bed as if nothing happened.

The next day, the entire school was to attend Dumbledore's funeral. I kept my face as impassive as possible as I sat through it. The funeral was magnificent, and many tears were shed for the late headmaster. After that, we boarded the train back to Kings Cross Station.

I went back to Courtney and apologised. She accepted it right away, while Jane and Lucy did so reluctantly. They knew I would be the next Slytherin Princess, and they had to stay on good terms with me.


'Lirana,' I heard my parents call me when I stepped into Malfoy Manor.

I ran over and gave my parents a big hug, face still painted in the usual makeup.

'Look at my little girl.' Daddy smiled, while Mother remained impassive.

'Lirana, we have something to tell you.' Mother said, emotionless.

I nodded, and she continued. 'You'll have an arranged marriage with Kenneth Avion.'

A bomb had just blasted in our midst.

'WHAT?' I screamed.

'Now, sweetheart.' Daddy started. 

'No , daddy. I'm only eleven!' I protested. 

It has been decided, and there is nothing you can do about it.' she snapped. 'You'll be an Avion, that's it. Full stop.'

'Mom!' I cried out.

'This is the only way. I shall not let my daughter become a Death Eater and suffer.' my father whispered.

'I am ELEVEN.' I said.

'That's why you're engaged till your education is over. You're a fifth year next year.' my mother said.

'I would be fourteen then, mother.' I continued.

She massaged hr temples in frustration. 'Draco is engaged to Astoria Greengrass, don't make my life harder for me.' 

I was shocked, but I suppressed a gasp. He fancied Hermione Granger. He should be in a worse state compared than mine, maybe. He will be under the Dark Lord's control, while I wouldn't.

I went straight up to Draco's room, ignoring my parents.

When I got there, I pointed my wand at the door lock and said, 'Alohomora.'

Underage magic, my foot. They can't detect it anyway.

The door swung open, and I stepped in.

'Go out.' I heard Draco's voice behind me, and I swung around.

Draco's wand was pointed straight at me, his usually grey eyes bloodshot. He glared at me, slightly shaking, with tear streaks on his face.

'Draco...' my hand reached out to comfort him. Whatever that will happen, we'll go through this together.

'Don't come near me! I'm done. I'm done with my family, and I want to run away. Even you.' he spat at me.

'Draco!' my expression turned into shock. 'How could you say that?'

'What can't I say?' he laughed hysterically. 'What can't everyone else do?'

'Draco Malfoy! How dare you! You're not the only one in this bloody family that has an arranged marriage!' I burst into tears.

'Lira...' he said softly, lowering his wand. 'i was selfish , I'm sorry.'

'Sorry! That's what everyone says!' I screamed, tears flowing freely down my face. 'Sorry for neglecting me, sorry for backstabbing me! What a wonderful world, mistakes forgiven with a "sorry"!' I sobbed. 

'How old are you? I'm bloody eleven! I'm going to get married with some guy I don't even know at the age of fourteen! At least Greengrass is your childhood friend! How would you prefer it?' I dashed out of the room, not bothering to shut his door. 

I ran into my room, locked my door behind me with a charm Alohomora couldn't even penetrate. I threw myself on my bed, crying my heart out. I heard a whole load of knocking on the door, and I put a silencing charm on it. 

What could get worse? But that was one thing I got wrong; there was much more to come.


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P.S. Read my other fanfic, Only For You (Dramione)

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