Chapter Fourteen

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Hey guys! 

Yes I know. Don't kill me. I've got schoolwork to finish. (Lila, that's the same excuse you've used for a few months!)

Alright, I'm sure you guys are sick of the chity chaty. Truth is, I had writers block. Had no idea what to write. But its temporarily over now, so I can write now! Yay!

<---------------------Vote cause' Lirana is awesome lol. 

Disclaimer: I do not own most of the plot and characters and they all belong to the awesome J.K. Rowling.


The holidays passed in a flourish.

And of course, it had no apparent meaning for me. Everyday was just wake up, eat, drink, do work, breathe, sleep. I spent most of the time in my room, the only time I'll appear outside is during mealtimes.


It was obviously Binky, the house elf. 'What?' I asked, not taking my eyes off my book.

'Its mealtime, miss.' Binky said, looking terrified. I closed my book really hard and flung it onto my bed while I walked out, slamming the door behind me, smacking Binky in the face. (Seriously, she never learns. She always does the same thing.)

'Father, Mother,' I said stiffly while I sat down. I didn't bother addressing Draco since our argument.

They gave me a nod, and we dug in. The whole dining room was filled with silence with an occasional clatter of cutlery.

'So...Lira. How's the schoolwork coming?' Father tried to break the silence.

'Fine.' I said curtly.

'Receiving any letters from your friends?' he said cheerfully.

'None of your business,' I snapped, while eating.

'Lirana!' Mother and Draco exclaimed.

I looked up with a glare, and saw Mother and Draco glaring at me as well.

'You...' Mother started, but Draco put a hand up to stop her.

'Lira. What's wrong with you? Father was trying to make a conversation with you, and this is how you treat him?' Draco reprimanded.

'What's it to you? I'll be married and thrown out of the house eventually anyway, what's the difference right?' I scoffed.

'That's enough.' Father said with a calmness in his tone I whipped around to look at him in surprise. I could see no anger etched on his face, but as they say, after the calm comes before the storm.

'Lirana, go up to your room.' Father looked at me. I opened my mouth to argue, but I could see the criticism in his eyes. 'Now.' he demanded.

I kicked my chair back, and stormed back to my room and slammed the door behind me once more. I sat on my bed, fuming. 

A while later, my door opened. Of course, it was Father. I didn't even look at him.

'Lirana.' I ignored him.

'Look at me.' he said in a demanding tone I had to obey.

His eyes flashed with anger and his lips was pursued tightly. 'Lirana, I didn't raise you like this.I raised you to become a respectable pureblood.'

I kept quiet, knowing better than to let him blow his top.

'So?' he asked.

I looked at him cautiously. 

'Look, I've you my advice, and the rest is up to you. I can't make you do anything. You know how I taught Draco, and I'm sure you don't want to go through what he did.'

I was silent, and I knew what he said was true. Most of Draco's childhood was torture. Father gave me a nod and went out of the room. 


The day to return to Hogwarts came. I looked at myself in the mirror once more. Everything should be in place. I called Binky to bring my things downstairs with a sigh.

I walked through the barrier once more. This time, Draco was not with me. He didn't even say goodbye.

Courtney was waiting for me. A small smile played on my lips and went forward to greet her.

Suddenly, someone pulled me around the waist and I was forced to fall into his arms (literally!) and look at him.

Kenneth Freaking Avion.

He gave me a dazzling smile and said, 'Hey darling. Come sit with me in OUR compartment.'

I looked at Courtney. She gave me a sad smile and motioned me to go with him. Shite. And I was relying on her to pull me away.

I walked with him, ignoring the stares everyone was giving me. His hand was still rested on my waist, and I couldn't push it away, he's my fiancee.

'So...' I said awkwardly, 'Where's your other friends?' 

Kenneth shrugged. 'Most of them have left school, as Dumbledore's dead.'

I gave him a forced smile as he led me into OUR compartment. He locked the door behind us.

'Um, can we leave that open? Cause' its a little stuffy here.' I knew what would come next if it was locked.

He shrugged once more and unlocked it, but curtains still pulled down. We settled down, and he was sitting super close to me. Close enough to make me uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, he turned towards me and started kissing me! I was shocked. Completely shocked. So shocked I didn't move a muscle. I was more forced than willing, but I closed my eyes and refrained from crying. I didn't want all this. It didn't feel right. This wasn't the love I was looking for, and yet I'm destined to marry him.


The door slided open, but Avion was obviously too 'busy' to notice, I was tilted 45 degrees on my back. I opened my eyes and looked sideways at the door. 

Benedict Peverell. Shite.

His gaze locked with mine for a moment, and I could see hurt in his eyes, but I wasn't sure. He closed the door quietly behind us.

My tears finally fell.


Yep, its here for now. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Fan, vote, or comment!

P.S. Read my other fanfic, Only For You (Dramione)

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