Chapter Seven

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I know this is the millionth time I'm late on posting, forgive me, but I'm in charge of Christmas planning and I've to finish the whole lot before posting. 

Nightflowermagic(which is me, I changed my username) : I should stop posting before I get votes so that people will vote. *evil smile* But of course, I've to promote it. Would you guys help me promote this story? Pretty please? I'm only stuck at 256 readers. Thank you!

Warning : Traces of violence will be found in this chapter.

Disclaimer : I do not own most of the plots and characters. They belong to J.K. Rowling.



I stared at Draco, dumbfounded. 

He looked away, not wanting to make eye contact.

'You must be kidding me,' I said, syllable by syllable.

His eyes snapped back at me, and said. 'No, I'm not,'

'Come here,' I grabbed his arm and made my way out of the common room.

'Lira, what and where-'

'Shut up and come with me,' I pulled him up flights of stairs, and when we got to the seventh floor, I was out of breath. I stole a glance at Draco, and he raised an eyebrow at me. 

'Terrible stamina you've got there,' he smirked.

I glared at him before whipping my wand out.

'Hey, hey, no need, to be so violent! It was a joke, a joke okay? I-'

Before he could finish his sentence, I walked past him, wand in hand, and walked back and forth three times, and lo and behold, a door appeared.

'Fancy,' Draco smiled. 'The Room of Requirement,'

'I'm surprised you can still smile after this task you've got,' I scowled at him, and this effectively wiped the grin off his face. 'Get your arse in here,' 

I flung the door open, gave commands to it while Draco walked in. It was quite fancy, I had to admit, having a fireplace, cups of cocoa and beanbags provided.There were cabinets of all kinds at a corner as well. I flung myself into a pretty purple beanbag, and asked, 'How are you going to kill him?' 

He fidgeted in his seat for a while, and said, 'Remember that time Montague got lost in a cabinet?'

I nodded.

'I'm using that cabinet. According to Montague himself, he could hear voices from Borgin and Burkes as well as Hogwarts,'

I sat up, backbone straight. 'I suppose you are going to get someone into Hogwarts then, Death Eaters?' I asked.

He looked impressed and nodded.

'How do you know its going to work? This is a big risk, you know,' I said skeptically.

'I know it could, but meanwhile, I have no idea choice!' he looked awfully irritated.

My mind flashed back to this morning, when I heard a scream from outside the grounds.

'Draco, do you know anything about the scream this morning? It was like it was from Hogsmeade,' 

He looked quite glum. 'It was Katie Bell. '

'Katie Bell?'

'I cursed the necklace she found, and... made Rosmerta put her under the Imperius curse to bring it to Dumbledore,'

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows.

'You didn't seriously think it would work, did you?'

He scowled once more. 'Who knows, maybe Dumbledore would be tricked. I have to try every single way I can,'

'I bet you were desperate,' I said knowingly.

'Lirana Malfoy, don't act like you know everything, its bloody annoying! You're so clever, you think of a way! I'm tired of all of this, I want to give up! But who's lives are concerned? Our WHOLE DAMN FAMILY!' he yelled. He walked over to the cabinets and starting destroying everything that was in sight, breaking down completely.


'Shut up! What do you know about this? You're daddy's little girl, living in your own world of rainbows and unicorns!' he scowled, while kicking one of the tiny wooden cabinets to the ground. 

I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I struggled not to let it flow down. My eyesight was blurry, as I heard glass shattering and Draco yelling in the background. 

I managed to wipe away the tears before they could form tear-stains on my cheeks and crept cautiously to Draco, where he was still slamming his fist onto a wall.

'Draco-' I hugged him from behind. 

He pushed me off. 'Who do you really think you are? This is the bloody Dark Lord we're dealing with! Who are you to decide! You're not under pressure! You think what I did was stupid? You go out there and deal with it yourself!' he continued destroying the property there.

There and then, reality struck me. It is not a joke. It is not a game. This is now, or never. 

I spun around, and saw him punching a glass cabinet, the glass shattering and his hands covered in blood. I didn't really use my head at that time. All I wanted is to stop him from hurting himself. I threw myself between the glass cabinet and Draco,arms stretched wide, which was a terribly silly act.

I could see his eyes widen, but he couldn't stop the punches which were meant for the cabinet. His right fist punched the glass right next to me; it shattered and I could feel the searing pain at the back of my head. His left punch hit my right arm and I fell sideways. My head knocked onto the left frame of the cabinet, hard. A sharp piece of glass was still on that left frame, and I cut my head on it. My arms were injured as well, but I couldn't summon the energy to access the damage. I fell onto the ground, on my back. My vision went blurry.

Draco stopped at once, his mouth wide, looking down at me. Straight after that, he cried, 'Lira!'

That was the last thing I heard.


Yep, that's it for now. I was cringing myself when I wrote this. I hope this didn't get too pathetic or something. 

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