Chapter Two

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Yayyyyy second chapter. 

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  We made our way to the castle, led by Hagrid. As we reached the door, a strict looking woman with her hair tied up in a bun was at the door.

'Welcome to Hogwarts. I'm Professor Minerva McGonagall. Please follow me,' She led us into the Great Hall, with us following silently behind. 

'I'll be back in a moment, please wait here. Silently.' With that, she went off.

Courtney and I stood there awkwardly. in the middle of the crowd. I then decided to greet a boy beside me.

'Morning. I mean evening.' I goofed up. Right at the greeting. I could throw myself at the wall for the mistake.

'Its okay.' he chuckled. 'I'm Creevy. Dennis Creevy.' he smiled mischievously. Thank goodness, he didn't look down on me.

'I'm Malfoy, Lirana Malfoy.' I said.

I then noticed he was wet from head to toe, wrapped in an enormous coat. 

'You're kinda...well, very wet. More wet than any of us here, anyway.'

'Yep. I fell into the lake. And something pushed me out,' he looked excited, but somehow what, I don't envy him. 

'First years, in here please,' McGonagall appeared again and the doors opened magically.

I could see crowds of students in it. I felt adrenaline flowing rapidly in me. I straightened up, standing like how a Malfoy should and walked with confidence into the Great Hall. I found Draco and his friends at the Slytherin table, looking at Courtney and I as we walked into the Great Hall. I looked around at all the houses. 

Ravenclaw, I see Luna chatting animatedly with a girl.

Hufflepuff, I don't know anyone from there, so I moved on to Gryffindor. 

At the Gryffindor table, I saw Ginny ,the Weasleys, and of course, Harry Potter. I saw Ginny smiling at me and I returned it with a small wave. 

At that moment, McGonagall brought an old, frayed hat and placed it on a stool. Suddenly, It started singing.

I wasn't listening, I looked around the hall. Draco caught my eye and he raised an eyebrow. 

I knew he was trying to say, 'Better be in Slytherin.'

I nodded and shrugged, telling him in expressions, 'Beyond my control.'

I turned back just as McGonagall started reading out the names. 

'Abott, Amelia!'

A girl walked out and McGonagall put on the hat on her head.

'HUFFLEPUFF!' the hat shouted, and the Hufflepuff table erupted in cheers.

The list went on and on until I heard my name. 'Malfoy, Lirana.'

I raised my head. smiling confidently as I walked towards the stool and sat on it. The hat was placed on my head and the hat talked to me.

'Hmmm, tough one, aren't you? Not in Hufflepuff, I see.' I sighed inwardly in relief. 'You're smart,thirsty for knowledge, so you could be in Ravenclaw. Hot-headedness from Gryffindor. And a Malfoy, cunningness and selective loyalty, from Slytherin. Alright, You may choose between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.'

'Slytherin,' It echoed in my head.

' Slytherin? Ah yes, your brother. If you're sure then.... SLYTHERIN!' the hat shouted the last word out.  The hat was lifted off my head, and I smiled, walking towards the Slytherin table where everyone in my house were cheering. Of course, the Gryffindor table was booing, but I didn't really care. I sat next to Draco.

'You're wet. The hat took quite some time sorting you, didn't it?' he smirked and flicked my hair. Droplets flew everywhere. ' I know. It was raining heavily outside. The hat let me choose between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.'

'Here.' Draco got his jacket out of his backpack and threw it to me. 'Mom and Dad wouldn't like their little princess to get sick.'

'Why, Draco, I wonder why we don't get any of these treatments,' Blaise smirked, and Pansy laughed.

'She's my sister, you git,' he scowled at Blaise. I flushed red. 

Suddenly, all the food appeared at once on the empty plates. All the food I expected and couldn't expect: turkey, some tasty blue dessert which taste like rainbows. I could've stuffed them all in my mouth, but as a pure blood, all my etiquette, manners, will be looked upon the other bloods. I tried to eat slowly and gracefully.

When we were done, all the food vanished magically from the plates. Dumbledore gave a short speech and we rose to go to our common room. 

'Password's pure blood,' Draco told me. 'Go on, I have to fulfill my prefect duties,' And then he left, leaving me with the other fifth years. 'Come on, Lirana, Courtney. Let me show both of you to the common room,' Blaise smiled.

Our common room was in the middle of the lake, we had to wade in the lake. It was magnificent, our common room had a warm fireplace, but on top of it was a serpent, Slytherin's symbol.

Courtney and I walked up to the dorm, only to find another two first years unpacking.

'Malfoy, Lirana Malfoy. And this is Courtney Zabini.' I introduced Courtney and me to them.

'Zeller, Lucy, and this is Riverdale, Jane.' 

'You're Draco Malfoy's, the Slytherin Prince's sister, aren't you? And Blaise Zabini's your brother, isn't it?' I was surprised. I never knew her first sentence to me was going to be like this. 

'Errr, yes, why?Is there anything wrong with that?' I asked skeptically. The Silver Trio is Draco, Pansy  and Blaise. It would be Crabbe and Goyle, but they are so dunderheads I doubt they are any use.

'Nothing,' she turned away from me, continuing to pack her things. I exchanged glances with Courtney, and she shrugged. Lucy gave us a small smile and continued to pack her things as well. The atmosphere was so tense, I could've felt the temperature drop rapidly.

'I hope you're not a snob, because I don't tolerate snobs,' Jane said. Courtney and I looked at her expression, exchanged glances, and burst out laughing. Her expression was so serious, so serious it was funny.

'What?' Jane said, looking offended. Another look at her face, and we started laughing again. 

'Really, Jane, it doesn't mean that if they are from pure blood families they are snobs,' Lucy suppressed a smile.

'Yeah.' I extended my hand. ' I promise that we won't be spoiled, pampered snobbish children.' 

'Oh.' Jane relaxed a little. She looked at both of us, took my hand and shook it with a smile. I took that as a good omen. 

'I guess that settles everything,' Lucy got into bed with a huff. ' And if you guys don't mind, I'm going to bed. Night.' 

We nodded to each other and went to our respective beds.


Oh yayyy. Another chapter done. 

I don't know if this is short or anything, but if it is, please comment and tell me the flaws.

Vote and comment pleaseeeeeee. :D

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