Chapter Five- The Malfoys' Past

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Chapter Five! :D

This chapter may be a little violent, you have been warned.

Vote and comment, I need to know the flaws of this story. Please?

This chapter is about the Malfoys' past.


Disclaimer: I do not own most of the plot and characters, it all belongs to J.K. Rowling.


'Lirana.Lirana,' I heard an angelic voice waking me up.

I opened my eyes, only to find Courtney in front of me.

I stared at her for about five seconds, mouth wide open.

'Girl, I know I'm hot, but staring is not very nice, you know,' she smirked at me, hands crossed across her chest.

I came back to my senses, clutching her hands. ' Court! Are you all right? What happened to you that day?' my eyes were as big as dinner platters, demanding her to tell me the truth.

'Do we really-'

'Yes we do. Don't you dare contradict me! Tell. Me. Now,' I stood up while glaring at her when she showed every sign of interrupting.

'Alright, alright! But you have to give me your word that you shall not repeat a word of this to anyone,alright?'

'Fine,' I waved as a gesture of impatience. ' Now tell me,'

'It...It was Nott.' she flushed while looking at my bedsheets.

I made her sit on my bed while I looked at her, unbelievably. 

'But-But Nott's such a gentleman! He wouldn't. He just wouldn't,' I said out loud, but was just talking to myself.

'Look, do you even believe me or not?! Why should I even bother to tell you anything when you don't even believe it?' she was going to stand up when I pulled her down on the bed again.

'Alright,alright! I believe you completely,' I looked at her desperately.

She took a deep breath and looked back at me. 'He...he.. he cornered me that afternoon near the dungeons and told me how attractive I was. Then-then he tried to kiss me! He got nearer and nearer, and I only had two seconds to distract him and I could run to my dormitory. I decided to attempt it like a Gryffindor, but when I was about to disappear around a turning, he caught up with me and fired a hex at me, and I just managed to just slip in the dormitory right after the curse struck me,' she finished the whole ordeal in five minutes, speaking so fast I could hardly catch her words.

'I take it I'm the first one to know about this?' I raised my eyebrow.

She nodded. 'And the last,' 

'Look, Courtney,-'

'You promised you wouldn't tell a soul!' she fired back. 'No, I won't allow it!'

'Draco needs to know! What if Nott comes again, huh? Are you going to let history repeat itself again? Do you enjoy getting hurt?' 

Courtney looked down to her hands, as if inspecting her nails.

'Just do it, do it for me, okay? I don't want it to happen again. I don't want to see you hurt,' I pleaded, tears swimming in my eyes.

She looked at me for a moment, and smiled. ' Alright, I just want you to know that you're the best friend I've ever had,'

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