What now ?

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Hi guys ! Hope your day is going great . Here is my new chapter for today . Hope you guys enjoy ! ⚠️Trigger Warnings Apply ⚠️ *I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Ray's POV
Schwoz : Okay guys * big sigh * I have the results .
Ray : Well ? !
Schwoz : He has a concussion , cracked ribs , a dislocated shoulder , a broken ankle , and some large cuts and bruises .
My heart sunk as Schwoz gave the results . Henry didn't deserve this . He's only 15 years old ! I looked down at Henry who was still asleep . It was so sad seeing him look so broken . His Kid Danger costume was torn , bloody , and dirty . Just him wearing the now ruined costume made it look even worse than it already was . I looked over and saw Charlotte was just as sad as I was . I looked back at Henry and saw he was starting to wake up .
Henry's POV
I woke up in the man cave . Ray must have brought me here . My head was throbbing ,my shoulder hurt , but the worst pain was in my ankle . It was throbbing and had a burning feeling at the same time . I noticed I had several nasty cuts that burned even when I didn't touch them . Then everyone just ran to my side .
Ray : Henry !
Schwoz : How are you feeling ?
Charlotte : Are you okay ? !
I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out . I felt so weak . There was brutal pain everywhere .
Ray : Henry what hurts ? !
Everything . My head hurts , my shoulder hurts , my ribs hurt , my cuts hurt , but my ankle is what set everything off . I wanted to scream but I didn't even have enough power to do it if I could .
Ray : Henry answer us ! Please !
Henry : I - my -
I used every bit of strength I had to speak , but I just fumbled over my words . I was so weak I felt like passing out again . I've had broken bones before , like the time I broke my arm and had to come up with a lie to my school to convince my friends I wasn't Kid Danger . But when you put an already extremely painful injury , with some other injuries I probably had , it gets way worse . Everyone just kept asking these questions over and over again and the suspense got to be too much . I wasn't gonna last any more of there bombarding questions while I was in this much pain .
And they did just that . I felt bad for yelling at them like that when they were just trying to help me , but when you're in a lot of pain , you really don't like it when people are surrounding you asking you a ton of questions simultaneously .
Ray : Kid , we're sorry , but we really need you to tell us what hurts so we can help you .
He explained all this in a soothing tone , which is way better then having everyone scream in my face trying to get me to say what hurts . I took in a deep breath , and tried explaining again .
Henry : Everything hurts . My head , my shoulder , my ribs , but mostly my ankle . That hurts the worst right now . I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding .
Schwoz : I was expecting all of that . All those places are where you're injured .
Well no kidding Schwoz ! It's not like I just woke up from a relaxing nap on the couch injured !
Schwoz : First before we do anything , we should pop your shoulder back in place .
Most kids are afraid of things like that . But I was far used to doing things like that now . I've been a sidekick for three years now , so yeah that stuff isn't different for me . I mean , one time we had to pop my buttocks back in place . I let Schwoz fix my shoulder while Ray and Charlotte had been wiping blood and cleaning my disgusting cuts .
Schwoz : Okay , now that we've fixed your shoulder and cleaned your cuts , we need to put a cast on your arm . Sorry to say this , but I need you to sit up .
Okay ? I don't see the problem with that . I attempted to sit up but then my ribs screamed at me . I fell back in pain clutching my side where my ribs were cracked .
Ray : Henry I know it hurts but you gotta sit up buddy .
Henry : I can't it hurts too much !
Charlotte : Just sit up slowly . And it'll only hurt for a second anyways .
Charlotte and Ray both took one of my hands and helped me sit up , but just for the record Charlotte , it hurt for more than one second .
Schwoz began to wrap the cast on my ankle while I was squeezing Ray's hand . At this point it hurt for anything to even just touch my ankle , so having Schwoz put a cast on wasn't painless . After what seemed like an eternity , he finally finished putting the cast on . At this point I was in so much pain I started to lose consciousness .
Ray : No Henry you can't fall asleep !
But I was SO tired !
Henry : Why not ? I'm so tired Ray .
Ray : I know , but you have a pretty serious concussion right now so you can't sleep right now .
This was going to be a long night . Wait , what about my parents ?!
Henry : What about my parents Ray ? Won't they question how all this happened ?
Then they all gave each other weird looks . Was there something they still weren't telling me ?
Ray : Henry , I'm afraid you can't go home for awhile . Your injuries are pretty bad right now , you need someone to stay with you twenty four-seven to help you with anything . Plus your concussion could get worse and become deadly . And let's be honest , when was the last time your parents were there for you when you were hurt ?
I thought about it . But I can't even remember the last time my parents took care of me . Like the time I was sick and Ray didn't believe me , they just left Jasper to take care of me all by himself .
Charlotte : We know you probably want to go home , but you're going to have to stay in the man cave for awhile .
Schwoz : We're sorry Henry .
Henry : It's okay , I know you guys are just trying to help me .
Ray : We're here for you Henry .
Henry : Thanks , but what will my parents do when I don't come home ?
Schwoz : We sent Gerta there as you .
Ray : Don't worry we have everything under control . We even have some clothes for you .
Henry : Oh , well thanks . So , what now ?
We all just sat around awkwardly not knowing what to do or say next .
Henry : Wait but what about school ?
Schwoz : Gerta has everything covered . Trust us , everything will work out fine .
I tried to relax after that .
Ray : Kid , I know you're just freaked out and in a lot of pain right now , but we have it all covered . Just try to rest up .
Schwoz : Just don't go to sleep yet .
I didn't feel like sleeping anyway . Everything hurts too bad right now . I hope everything will be okay .
*time skip to later that night *
Schwoz said that it was finally okay for me to sleep . Even though I didn't want to sleep , Ray took me to the guest room in the man cave .
Ray : Come on kid , it'll help you feel better .
Henry : But I'm not tired Ray !
I lied , I was exhausted . But I was in one of those stubborn moods where I didn't want to do anything people told me to do . I was tired , my ankle was killing me . The last thing I wanted was to be forced to do something , even if it was sleeping .
Ray : Henry , Schwoz said that you need to sleep . Just at least close your eyes .
Henry : No ! I'm not tired and I don't want to sleep !
Ray's POV
Schwoz said that Henry can sleep now and really needs too . After Schwoz explained it too me , Henry's injuries will only hurt worse if doesn't at least take a nap . I could see in Henry's eyes that he was tired , but he won't admit it . I can understand that he's just really tired and in pain , so I'm trying to be calm about it .
Ray : Please , just sleep for a little bit Henry , even if it's just five minutes .
Henry : No !
I sat down on the guest bed beside him , and just started rubbing circles on his back . Before I became indestructible , when I would get hurt or sick , my mom would always do that to make me fall asleep . And apparently it works on Henry too . He started to relax and soon fell asleep . I just sat in a chair beside his bed in case he woke up and needed something . I smiled at the now peaceful boy sleeping .
* a couple hours later *
I was still in the guest room sitting around waiting for Henry to wake up . I just feel so bad that he got this hurt . I few scratches and bruises aren't bad , but when you get to this point , it's heartbreaking to see a boy his age go through this . My thoughts were broken when I saw Henry shift a little . Then he started shaking violently . Soon he fell off the bed shaking . I tried to wake him up but he just kept on shaking harshly in his sleep . How can you not feel this and not wake up ? It took a moment before I realized what was happening . Henry was having a seizure .

Another cliffhanger ! Hope you guys enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter ! Byeeeee !

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