Side Effects

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Hey guys ! I hope you are having a great day and here's my new chapter . Enjoy ! * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *
Season Four Ages

Ray's POV

Ray : Wh-what do you mean this isn't good ?
Schwoz : Henry was exposed to a certain chemical , that takes awhile to take place , but when it does , it can create massive pain on any kind of injury . Even if it's just a scratch or bruise . The worst part is , it'll only get worse and worse within each day .
Ray : Well how do we fix this ? Where did he even get exposed to this chemical ?!
Schwoz : I'm guessing Drex did it when he kidnapped and buried Henry underground . The only way to treat this , is by creating an antidote . But I will need the same chemical Drex used on Henry in the first place .
Ray : Do you have it ?
Schwoz : No , it became illegal in America , so I got that chemical taken away from me . In fact the only place you can get it now , is in my home country .
Ray : Dang it ! Wait , then how did Drex get it ?
Schwoz : It wasn't illegal a year ago , so he probably found it in the science lab . Anyways , I can use my teleportation device , to go get the chemical , and bring it back here , and no one would ever know .
Ray : Okay , then do it .
Schwoz : I will go prep the device . You keep an eye on Henry .
Ray : Alright . Try to be as quick as possible though .
Schwoz : Kk .
Schwoz ran to get everything ready while I stayed with a distressed Henry . Honestly , I don't think he heard a word we were saying . He was too distracted with the monstrous pain in his ankle .
Ray : It'll be okay kid . Schwoz is going to help you .
Henry : Th-thank yo-u .
I gave him a sympathetic smile . Hasn't this poor thing been through enough ?!
Henry : Ray , can I have some ice , pl-ease ?
Ray : Of course .
I got him some ice , and gently placed it on his ankle . Although as soon as it made contact with his ankle , he yelped out in pain .
Ray : Sorry !
Henry : It's not your fault . *sigh* I just want all of this pain to end .
Ray : I know . Schwoz is working as fast as he can to make an antidote .
Henry : I hope it's soon . I don't know how much longer I can take .
I gave him a sad smile as he let out a quiet sob . Henry just doesn't deserve this .

*time skip*

Schwoz : Ray , wake up .
I was asleep ?
Ray : Wha-what happened ? What time is it ?
Schwoz : You fell asleep . Also , I got the chemical . The antidote is almost ready , so you need to wake Henry up .
I looked over at Henry who was asleep , but didn't look like he was sleeping peacefully . His face was scrunched in discomfort , and every now and then he would let out a whimper , which is something that he will NEVER admit that he did .
Schwoz : Wake Henry up , and be prepared for a lot of screaming .
Ray : What do you mean ?
Schwoz : He's in the stage where he hurts all the time , but when awake , there's no way to describe how much it hurts .
I sighed in sadness knowing that I was about cause Henry great pain just by waking him up . While Schwoz was getting the antidote ready , I got up and walked over to wake Henry up . I gently shook him awake and Henry groaned .
Henry : Ray , it hurts .
Ray : I know , but the antidote is almost ready so you need to wake up .
He sat up , but the look on his face clearly said that it wasn't painless . Suddenly Schwoz came running in .
Schwoz : It's ready !
Schwoz walked over with an injector in his hand .
Schwoz : This will only take a second so hold still .
Henry : Huh ?
Schwoz quickly injected the serum into Henry's arm before Henry knew what was going on . When it comes to Henry and shots , it's better to do quickly before Henry even knows what's going on .
Schwoz : How does that feel .
Henry : A LOT better . Thanks Schwoz !
Schwoz : Your welcome . Ray I need to talk to you in the hall for a second .
Ray : Uh , okay .
We both stepped out into the hall and closed the door so Henry couldn't hear .
Schwoz : Alright , the antidote works immediately as you could see . But it does have some side effects that are definite to come in a couple of hours or so .
Ray : Like what ?
Schwoz : Drowsiness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, fevers, shivering , it's pretty much the normal side effects to a medicine .
(A/N: I am copying some side affects I've heard from medicines on tv commercials . I'm not a doctor or scientist so I can't come up with my own side affects😜)
Ray : Okay , how harsh are they ?
Schwoz : What do you mean ?
Ray : How hard are the side effects on the body ?
Schwoz : I don't know . It affects everybody different .
Ray : *sigh* Okay , thanks Schwoz .
Schwoz : Your welcome . Just stay with Henry because we don't know how hard it will hit him , or when it will hit him .
Ray : Got it .
I went back into the guest room to find Henry on his phone .
Ray : Hey buddy, how you feeling ?
Henry : Well , my ankle feels about how it did before that chemical came in , so ...better?
He cracked open a smile .
Ray : That's good ?
We both started laughing . I decided to not to tell him about the side effects just yet because I didn't want to ruin the moment .
Henry : Hey Ray , thanks for being so patient with me through that crazy time .
Ray : No problem , kid .
Henry : Hey , where's Charlotte ?
Ray : She had to go home . But she told me to tell you that she hopes you feel better soon .
Henry : That's sweet .
Henry stared off into space for like literally five seconds then , his eyes lit up .
Henry : You wanna watch a movie ?
Ray : Duh !
I loaded a Galaxy Wars movie into the tv , and we both watched it while munching on some popcorn . Every now and then Henry got a look of discomfort on his face , which I'm assuming is the side effects about to come in . I kept a close eye on him to make sure he was okay . When the movie ended Henry looked as if he was trying to hide the obvious fact that he definitely did not feel good .
Ray : You okay kiddo ?
Henry : Yeah yeah I'm fine .
Ray : Are you sure ?
Henry : Don't worry Ray , I'm completely fine .
Ray : Okay , I believe you .
I definitely did not believe him . Those side effects are definitely starting to come in . I can see it in his eyes , that he doesn't feel good .
Henry : I'm just gonna take a little nap real quick .
Ray : Okay .
As soon as I know he's asleep , I'm going to check his temperature . Since we don't know how hard these effects are going to hit him , we don't know how high his temperature could rise . I waited awhile until I heard soft snores coming from Henry . I grabbed a temporal thermometer , and checked his temp . When the thermometer beeped , I looked at it . 103.5 . Definitely not great . I grabbed a damp rag , and placed it on his forehead . To my surprise, it
didn't wake him up , which is good because he needs the sleep . I took a few blankets off of him to help lower his fever . I turned around to leave for just a minute , but then a hand grabbed me .
Henry : Please stay .
I knew the side effects were starting to get to him now so I knew I should probably stay . Although it's not a problem , I really don't mind staying with the kid .
Ray : Sure kid .
Henry : Why's there a rag on my head ?
He pulled it off .
Ray : Alright kid , I knew you were lying when you said you were fine before . Schwoz said there were some side effects to the antidote he gave you . Fevers were one of them , and you had a bad fever so that's why there was a rag on your head .
Henry : What are the other side effects besides fevers ?
Ray : Drowsiness , nausea , vomiting , headaches , and shivering . Have you been feeling any of that ?
Henry : I have definitely been feeling drowsy . And that nausea is starting to kick in as well .
Ray : Do you need anything ?
Henry : Probably a bucket here in a little bit .
He rolled on his side facing me and held his stomach .
Ray : I'll go get you one .
I quickly ran to the storage room to get a bucket and came back to Henry holding a hand to his mouth and breathing heavily . I quickly realized what was going on and ran over and held the bucket under his chin . As soon as the bucket was under his chin , Henry immediately began to throw up . I rubbed his back as the blonde teenager heaved . As soon as he was done , I set the bucket down beside his bed since he will probably need it later . Henry groaned while holding his stomach .
Henry : I feel horrible ! How long do these side effects last ?
Ray : Schwoz said it's different with everyone . Some people only get them for 24 hours , and others get them longer than that . We really just don't know .
Henry : *sarcastically* Great to know .
Ray : We should probably check your temperature again . It's been awhile .
Henry : Okay .
I grabbed the temporal thermometer from off Henry's nightstand , and turned it on . When it beeped , it read 103.5 .
Ray : It's pretty high . I'll go get you a new wet rag .
Henry : Can I have some ice as well ? My ankle really hurts .
Ray : Sure thing , kid .
I got the two things I was after , then went back to Henry's room , but when I opened the door Henry was holding the bucket while vomiting inside it .
When he was done , I set the bucket back down , and put the rag on his head , and the ice on his ankle .
Henry : Thanks .
Ray : No problem , kid . Can I ask you something ?
Henry : Sure .
Ray: Why didn't you tell me in the first place that you didn't feel well ? You know before you knew about the side effects ?
Henry : Because you already spent A LOT of time and energy on me when I was still being infected by the chemical . I didn't want to worry you with anything else . Although you knew what it was anyways so I guess it didn't matter .
Ray : Henry you never have to worry about, well , worrying me . Please ALWAYS tell me when you don't feel well .
Henry : Okay .
Suddenly Henry started to throw up again , so I quickly grabbed the bucket and put it under his chin . When he was done , I put the bucket down and saw that there was a little vomit on the floor .
Henry : I'm sorry ! It just took me by surprise and-
Ray : It's okay Henry . Accidents happen .
I got some old towels and wiped it up , then threw the towels in the washer . When I came back Henry was already back to vomiting .
Ray : I'm guessing the nausea hit you pretty hard , huh ?
Henry : * sarcastically * Really ? Didn't even notice it .
*laughter from both Ray and Henry *
Suddenly Henry started to shiver . One of the other side effects on  Schwoz's list .
Henry : Ca-can I have some blankets please ?
Ray : Sorry kid , but with your temperature as high as it is , we need to keep as many off of you as possible .
Henry : But it's so cold in here .
Ray : It's just another side effect Henry . It'll pass in a little bit . Why don't you try taking a nap ?
Henry : I guess that might help . I helped him under the covers , and turned off all the lights .
I turned around and left so Henry could sleep in peace . I hope this nap helps him .

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