Exciting News

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Hiiiii ! I hope you are all having a wonderful day today and here's my new chapter ! Enjoy ! *I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Ray's POV

No no no . Henry was struggling to breathe , then all of a sudden he just passed out !
Ray : Schwoz ! Schwoz get in here quick ! I ran down the hall and loudly banged on his door until finally he opened the door .
Schwoz : What is it , Ray ?
Ray : Something's wrong with Henry ! He woke up yelling my name , and when I came in he was struggling to breathe , and then he passed out !
Schwoz didn't hesitate to run to the guest room after I gave him the explanation that something wasn't quite right with Henry . When we both came in Schwoz wildly shook Henry in attempt to wake him up . When Henry did wake up , his breathing was still off , and he broke into a coughing fit , and was sneezing like crazy . Schwoz did a quick scan and realized that Henry was having a bad allergic reaction to the wool blanket I had put on him . While Schwoz was running as fast as he good to get an epipen , I sat with Henry trying my best to help him breathe better . He was still coughing harshly and his sneezes became nonstop . That has to be painful with the harsh coughs and the nonstop sneezing at the same time . He was still struggling to breathe . It was as if he was completely cut off of oxygen which I guess in a way he is . Come on Schwoz . What's taking so long ? I began to really hate myself for putting that stupid wool blanket on him . I was trying to help him not be cold , but instead I gave him a bad allergic reaction . Finally Schwoz came in with an epipen (I have no idea how you spell epipen . Correct me if I'm wrong) Schwoz injected the liquid in Henry and he immediately passed out again .
Schwoz : He should be fine now .
I breathed a sigh of relief knowing Henry would be okay .
Schwoz : Wow .The number of times I've come in here in the middle of the night to help Henry with some kind of medical emergency .
Ray : *sigh* Yeah . Only this time I caused it .
Schwoz : Don't feel bad , Ray . You didn't know .
Ray : Yeah but still . Henry could have died and it would have been all my fault .
Schwoz : I'm sure Henry forgives you .
Ray : Well I don't forgive myself .
Schwoz : *sigh* You know if Henry were awake right now he would be trying his best to make sure you weren't mad at yourself .
When I thought about it , Schwoz was right . Henry has always hated it when I blame myself for everything . Even though I was entirely to blame , Henry would be mad if he found out I was being this way . But it still doesn't change the fact that I almost killed my best friend .

*time skip *

It's 10 in the morning and normally I would go wake Henry up , but after last night's experience , I decided to just let him sleep . I was in the main room on my phone while Charlotte searched some criminal files .
Charlotte : Don't you usually go wake Henry up at ten every morning ?
Ray : I decided to let him sleep .
Charlotte : Why ?
Ray : I guess I never told you . Henry had a bad allergic reaction last night to a wool blanket .
Charlotte : Why would Henry ask for a wool blanket ? He knows he's terribly allergic to wool !
Ray : Well uh , it was actually my fault . Henry was already asleep , and I knew it was going to be extra cold last night , so I put on a wool blanket not knowing he was allergic to it .
Charlotte : But he's okay now , right ?
Ray : Yeah he's totally fine now . I just decided to let him sleep in since he had a hard time last night .
Charlotte : Well at least now you know .
Ray : Yeah I just feel really bad about it .
Charlotte : You didn't know , Ray . It's okay . As long as Henry's okay , that's all that matters .
Ray : I guess you're right .
Charlotte : I'm always right .
I cut her a look and went to go check on Henry . When I opened the door , Henry was sitting up with a confused look on his face .
Ray : You good , kid ?
Henry : Last night was all a blur . What happened ?
Ray : You had an allergic reaction . But don't worry you're fine now .
Henry : Okay .
A moment of awkward silence passed .
Henry : Ray , I'm hungry . May I have some breakfast ?
I was shocked at this question because usually I have to beg Henry to eat something . Maybe things are getting better ?
Ray : Sure kid . What do you want to eat ?
Henry : I don't really care .
Ray : Alright brussels sprouts it is !
Henry : Wait ! I'll eat ... pancakes .
Ray : Alrighty then .

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