What Felt Like Joy Again

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Hey guys ! I hope you are having a fantastic day and here's my new chapter ! I hope you enjoy ! * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Ray's POV

I shot out of bed and ran down the hall as fast as I could . When I got there I slammed into the door by accident while trying to get in . When I opened the door I saw Henry on the ground breathing heavily .

Ray : What happened ?!
Henry : It's embarrassing .
Ray : You can trust me .
Henry : I fell out of bed .
Normally I would laugh , but falling out of bed could have just worsened things for Henry .
Ray : Okay , does anything hurt ?
Henry : My ankle really hurts .
I rolled up his pants leg a bit and saw that it was a dark red color . I almost gagged at the sight .
Ray : I'm not gonna lie kid , your ankle doesn't look good .
Henry just groaned . I pulled the covers up on the bed , then pick Henry up as gently as I could , then set him on top of the blankets .
Ray : Alright I'm going to go get Schwoz . Just hang tight .
Henry : Okay .
I got worried when he said that . It's not the word that worried me , it's the way he said it . When he said "okay" , he just said it in one big breath . He just had the pained look on his face . I ran down the hall until I stopped at Schwoz's room . I knocked on the door while yelling "Schwoz ! " . Finally he stepped out but with an annoyed look on his face .
Schwoz : Ray it's the middle of the night . What do you want ?
Ray : Henry fell out of bed , and his ankle looks horrible . I almost gagged when I saw it .
Schwoz immediately became alert and ran to the guest room . When he walked in , he immediately went towards Henry .
Schwoz : Henry I need you to be honest . On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does your ankle hurt ?
Henry : 8 .
Schwoz : Okay , just try to relax , and I'm going to scan your ankle .
Henry : O-okay .
Schwoz took out a scanner from the drawer in Henry's nightstand (we just started keeping one in there) , and began to scan Henry's ankle . I saw Henry was concentrated on keeping his breath . I gave him a sympathetic smile as he tried focusing on what Schwoz was doing . Suddenly Schwoz's scanner beeped and he brought it up to read .
Schwoz : He'll be fine . Just keep it iced , and you may wanna give him a painkiller because it'll probably hurt worse in a little bit .
Ray : Thank you Schwoz .
Schwoz : Yeah okay .
Schwoz left and I went to go get Henry some ice . When I came back he was sitting up with his eyes closed , breathing deeply .
Ray : You okay kid ?
He opened his eyes in surprise and looked at me . I guess he didn't hear me come in .
Henry : Uh , yeah .
Ray : Okay . Just let me put this ice on , and you can take a painkiller if you want one .
Henry : I do .
I placed some ice bags on his ankle then grabbed the bottle of painkillers , and handed him one along with a bottle of water . When he finished I set the water back on the nightstand and got up from my chair .
Ray : You need anything else before I go ?
Henry : Nah I'm good .
Ray : Okay then . I'll see you in the morning .
He didn't hear the last thing I said . He was already fast asleep . I smiled and went back to my own bed and went to sleep .


I woke up , got dressed and went to go wake Henry up . When I opened the door he was sound asleep with his mouth wide open and was drooling . I laughed at the sight before me . I always knew that Henry loves sleeping . Part of me just wanted to let him sleep a little longer , but I knew Charlotte and Jasper would be here soon so Henry needed to wake up .
Ray : Henry wake up .
Henry : Huh ? Oh , hey Ray .
He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes . His hair was a bed head mess , and he was struggling to keep his eyes open .
Henry : What's for breakfast ?
He still had morning voice , and I have to admit it was kinda funny .
Ray : Whatever you want , kid .
Henry : Waffles ?
Ray : Sure !
I got his breakfast and went back to the guest room . When I opened the door Henry was sitting up staring at his ankle . I walked on in and set the tray of food on his lap .
Henry : You didn't tell me it looked this bad .
Ray : Well , you were so stressed out from the pain last night I figured telling you how it looked wouldn't be very comforting .
Henry : Yeah I guess .
He just started eating while staring off into space . If I don't think of something fun to do today , he's going to end up back in depression .
Ray : So... is there anything you want to do today ?
Henry : I don't know . I'm probably just going to sleep all day .
Ray : No kid . You can't go back to that .
Henry : Why not ?!
Ray : Because it's not healthy to sleep the entire day and night .
Henry : But if I'm asleep I'm not in pain , Ray ! If I'm asleep , I'm not thinking about how my parents just left me to fend for myself ! If I'm asleep I'm not thinking about that maybe my parents never loved me to begin with ! When I'm asleep , there is no pain ! Physically or emotionally .
By now tears were pouring down his face . I didn't expect such a sudden outburst like that , but I guess I've never seen it from his exact point of view before . I knew Henry was under stress , but I just never thought about how hurt he was on this inside . I never thought about how it feels when your parents abandon you . He doesn't feel loved . I began to feel guilty about not realizing all this . I was so focused on trying to keep his stress away , I never stopped once to think about how Henry may truly feel . I sat down beside Henry and gave him a hug . I whispered an "I'm sorry" into his ear .
Henry : Wh-why are you sorry ?
Ray : For not realizing how you truly felt on the inside .
Henry : How were you supposed to know ?
Ray : I don't know . I just should have .
After awhile of staying in the hug . Henry pulled apart and asked me something .
Henry : Ray , can I please go to sleep ? Just for a little bit ?
Ray : Okay . But you can't nap all day .
Henry : Fine .
I went to the main room and left Henry to go to sleep . I really felt bad that Henry was going through all this . I know I've said it before , but I don't know what else to say . I sat down beside Charlotte on the U shaped couch .
Charlotte : How is he ?
Ray : Well is ankle still looks pretty bad , and I think he's slipping back into depression .
Charlotte : Why's that ?
Ray : It's- He's-
I realized I can't tell Charlotte . It'll end up in her finding out about Henry's parents .
Ray : I can't say why .
Charlotte : Because you and Henry are hiding something ?
My eyes shot up to meet her eyes .
Ray : What do you mean we are hiding something ? *nervous laughs*
Charlotte : Ray I don't know what you and Henry are hiding , but I know the fact that you are . That phone call Henry got made me super suspicious . Plus Henry has been depressed . Rather he acts like it in front of us or not , I can see it in his eyes . Something is wrong . And I know you know about it .
My heart sunk . Charlotte is more suspicious than I thought . I realized that there's no way I can deny that Henry and I are hiding something . She's too smart .
Ray : Alright you got me . Henry and I are hiding something . But I can't tell you what it is . This is something Henry should tell you when he's ready .
Charlotte : I understand . Whenever he's ready , I'm ready .
I breathed a sigh of relief . Charlotte has always been understanding .
Ray : Thank you Charlotte .
She nodded her head and went back to looking at her phone . I just hope Henry decides to tell her and Jasper soon . I don't know how much longer before they find out .

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