Hiding Something

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Hey you guys ! Hope you are having a fantastic day and here's my new chapter ! Hope you enjoy ! *I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Ray's POV

Henry had a great day yesterday . It was like nothing ever happened . I just hope he's the same way today . It was 10 in the morning and I'm walking to the guest room to go wake Henry up . To my surprise he was already awake but it looked as if he was crying . I pushed the door open all the way and walked in . As soon as he saw me he wiped away tears .
Ray : Good morning Henry .
Henry : Morning Ray .
Ray : Are you okay ? You look like you were just crying .
Henry : Oh ! Uhhh sometimes my eyes water in the mornings .
Ray : Okay ? Well Charlotte and Jasper should be here soon so what do you want to eat ?
Henry : Waffles would be good .
Ray : Okay then .
I turned around and left to go get Henry's food . Something was just off with him . It was like he was hiding something . I brushed it off and just brought his food up to him .
Ray : Here you go .
Henry : Thank you .
Ray : So what do you want to do when Charlotte and Jasper get here ?
Henry : I was hoping we could do something a little bit interesting .
He cracked open an evil smile . I got excited realizing that he still wanted to do something other than sleep . I pulled aside a chair and sat down .
Ray : Oh yeah ? Like what ?
Henry : We watch the scariest horror movie ever known and the first person who gets scared has to do something crazy . Like ... eating an entire bowl of just plain yellow mustard .
Ray : Game on !
We shook hands and waited anxiously for Charlotte and Jasper to get here . When they did we explained to them what we would be doing today .
Charlotte : Seriously ? THIS is what you guys come up with ?
Jasper : You both know I hate horror movies !
I pulled them aside into the hallway .
Ray : Please guys ? Henry is trying really hard to not be so depressed so could you please just do this  ? For Henry  ?
Jasper : But it's a horror movie ! And the punishment for who gets scared first is eating a bowl of plain yellow mustard ! That's disgusting !
Charlotte : Maybe we should , Jasper . Henry needs this . We used to do stuff like this all the time before he got injured . Shouldn't we let him have a piece of what life was like before the accident ?
Jasper thought about it for  a moment before finally giving in .
Jasper : Fine !
Ray : Thank you .
I had Schwoz get us a the scariest movie and bring it back to the man cave . We all piled up on and beside the guest bed beside Henry while Schwoz loaded the movie to the tv .
Ray : This is going to be so easy !
*time skip*
Ray : Turn it off ! Turn it off !
Henry : Wimp .
Jasper :  * while laughing * I honestly thought I was going to lose !
Charlotte : Yeah Ray . I thought this was going to be SO EASY !
*laughter from everyone except Ray*
Henry : Alright Ray ! You know the punishment !
Henry picked up the bowl of mustard along with a spoon and handed it to me .
Ray : Do I really have to do this ?
Charlotte : Yeah there's NO WAY we're letting this slide .  *more laughter*
I scooped up some mustard onto the spoon and hesitantly put in my mouth . It tasted so bitter . I almost spit it out but Henry stopped me .
Henry : Don't spit it out Ray !
Annoyed , I finally finished that disgusting bowl of mustard . I won't be putting mustard on hotdogs again any time soon .

*time skip to midnight *

I walked into the guest room to tell Henry goodnight . When I came in Henry's face was scrunched in pain .
Ray : Henry is everything okay ?
Henry : Huh ? Oh , yeah why wouldn't it be ?
Ray : Because when I walked in and you were just making that face you make when you're in  pain . And it looks like you've been crying .
I wiped away a single tear from his face .
Henry : Don't worry about it . Everything's fine .
Ray : Are you sure ? If something's hurting you you need to tell me .
Henry : Trust me Ray , everything's fine .
Ray : Okay then . Good night Henry .
Henry : Good night Ray .
I helped him get under covers then turned off the lights . As I was walking to my room I couldn't hear but wonder if Henry was telling the truth or not .  I crawled into bed and went to sleep hoping that for once , my instincts were wrong .

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