What is going on ?

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Hi guys ! Hope you are having an amazing day ! Here's my new chapter and I hope you like it ! Enjoy ! * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Ray's POV

My heart was racing with fear as I stared at what the thermometer read . I blinked several times hoping I just read it wrong , but every time it was the same .
Ray : Schwoz get in here quick !
Schwoz : What Ray ? I was in the middle of eating my worms !
Ray : Henry has a really high fever !
Schwoz : Okay just calm down Ray . Just get a wet rag and - WHY IS HENRY ASLEEP ?!
Ray : He passed out Schwoz !
Schwoz : Okay this isn't good . Help me get Henry to the med bay , then get that wet rag .
Ray : Okay .
I help Schwoz move Henry to the med bay careful not to move or bump his ankle . Once we got him to the med bay I ran to get a wet rag while Schwoz began to hook Henry up to an IV . When I came I placed the rag on Henry's forehead and stepped back to let Schwoz work to get his fever down .
*time skip*
Schwoz: Ray wake up .
I fell asleep ?
Schwoz : I got his fever to go down . Will you help me move him to the guest room ?
Ray : Yeah sure .
At least I know Henry is okay . Once we got a still unconscious Henry to the guest room Schwoz made me sit down .
Schwoz : Ray , we need to talk .
Ray : Uh , okay .
Schwoz : I found a way to clear Henry's stomach bug with a special medication I created that clears it instantly .
Ray : That's awesome thanks Schwoz !
Schwoz : Yeah thanks . But something is going on with Henry . I scanned him and his injury still has not healed at all . In fact it's getting worse .
Ray : How ? All he's been doing is resting in the man cave !
Schwoz : I don't know . But until I know what is really going on I think we should put him on bed rest . The only possible reason I can think of , is the getting up to go to different parts of the man cave .
Ray : But he's already so miserable ! Putting him on bed rest would only hurt his mental state more !
Schwoz : I don't know Ray ! But I fear if his injury gets any worse he may never be able to walk again on that foot !
I sighed knowing that bed rest was probably the route we were going to have to take . Him moving around to other places of the man cave has to be why he's getting worse instead of healing . What other thing could it possibly be ?

Henry's POV

I woke up in the guest room with Ray . But I don't really remember how I got here .
Henry : Ray  ?
Ray : Henry you're awake !
Henry : Yeah yeah . What happened ?
Ray : You got a dangerous high fever and Schwoz ended up having to hook you up to an IV and everything . Good news is Schwoz found a way to instantly clear your stomach bug !
Henry : Really ?
I then noticed that I no longer felt horrible . In sickness anyways . My ankle felt like it was on fire right now .
Ray : Listen Henry ...  I need to talk to you .
Henry : Ok .
Ray : Schwoz said that your injury isn't healing . In fact it's getting worse . I'm afraid he said that we're going to have to put you on bed rest .
My heart dropped .
Henry : W-why ? I'm already miserable enough as it is !
Ray : I know , but Schwoz thinks that the getting up and going to different rooms is what's making it worse .
Henry : But I'm not even walking ! I only get up with your help and you use the wheelchair to help me move around !
Ray : I don't know but right now we have to consider all options .
Henry : What are you going to do when I have to use the bathroom ? You gonna put a diaper on me ? !
Ray : Schwoz said you could at least go to the bathroom and take a shower but that's about it .
Henry : Ugh !
I can't believe this is happening . Ray took this as a signal that I needed some alone time to cool off .

Ray's POV

I realized Henry probably just needed some alone time so I left the room for a little bit and found Charlotte sitting on the U shaped couch .
Charlotte : Hey Ray what's up ?
Ray : Bad things .
Charlotte : What's going on .
Ray : Schwoz said Henry's injury has been getting worse instead of better and we don't know why so now Henry has been put on bed rest .
Charlotte : Really ?
Ray : Yes . He's not very happy about it either .
Charlotte : Well it's just not fair to him . He has to sit back there in that room by himself until he's at least lifted off bed rest .
Ray : We should all probably take turns sitting back there and hanging out with him .
Charlotte : Yeah . Jasper should be here any minute now . Maybe he can go back there and entertain Henry .
Ray : I was just about to go back there . Besides Jasper has to watch the store .
Charlotte : Ray , we didn't want to tell you this but it looks like I'm going to have to .
Ray : What ?
Charlotte : You're exhausted . And don't even try to deny it . You have huge bags under your eyes , your moves have been sluggish , and I catch you drifting off to sleep ALL the time . You won't let anyone help take care of Henry and I don't know why . And now , you've pushed yourself too far . You may be indestructible but you can still pass out from exhaustion . So I'm asking you to PLEASE let us take care of Henry just for a little bit just so you can rest a bit .
Ray : Charlotte I wish I could but-
Charlotte : No ! No buts . Why won't you let us take care of Henry ?
Ray : It's kind of personal .
Charlotte : You can trust me Ray . Talk to me .
Ray : Promise you won't tell anyone ?
Charlotte : I promise .
Ray : Okay then . It's just ... I see you guys as family . You , Henry and Jasper . And the night I found Henry injured , it broke my heart . It was as if I was seeing my son there injured and covered in his own blood on the ground . Then next thing I know Henry got at least two seizures , had to be put on anesthesia just so Schwoz could perform a small operation to fix a small bone in his ankle  , get a crazy high fever , and then I was told that the son I never had has been but on bed rest because his injury is unexplainably getting worse ! The reason I don't let anyone take care of Henry is because I don't want anything worse happening ! I'm scared if I leave for one second , or possibly leave him in the wrong hands , something horrible may happen to him . No offense Charlotte .
Charlotte : Wow I never even thought of it that way . How about this ... if anything just the slightest bit weird starts going on , I'll come get you immediately .
Ray : I don't know-
Charlotte : Ray please . You really need to take a break and rest for a bit . We got this .
I hesitated for a moment before finally giving in .
Ray : Fine .
Charlotte : Thank you . Now go take a nap or something . You look really tired .
Ray : Fine ! But the second even the slightest bit weird starts happening to Henry , come get me immediately .
Charlotte : I promise .
Ray : Thank you .
I left for my room wondering if I did the right thing or not .  Charlotte was right when she said I was exhausted , but I also don't know if I did the right thing by leaving him with someone else . Or am I just overreacting ? I didn't give it a second thought because the second I crawled into bed , I was out like a light .
* two hours later *
I woke up to someone shaking me awake and yelling my name in a petrified voice .
Charlotte : Ray come quick ! Something terrible happening to Henry !

Cliffhanger ! Hope you guys enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter ! And if you haven't read my other Henry Danger book , be sure to check that out ! Well , that's all for now ! Bye and stay safe !  P.S. don't ask about the line on the picture up top . It's a long story😂🙄

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