Where Now?

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Hey ! I hope you all have had a fantastic day and here's my new chapter . Enjoy ! * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Ray's POV

No no no . This cannot be happening . Henry just got a text in from the real estate company . Because he wasn't there to pay the house bill , they kicked him out . Henry's homeless . That sentence rang throughout my head . Henry's homeless . Henry's homeless . Henry's homeless . I can't believe this is happening . I looked over at Henry who was on the verge of tears . I sat down on the bed beside Henry and pulled him into a hug . We both stayed that way for awhile . Neither of us said anything . Eventually Henry just started crying into my shoulder . I rubbed his back and just tried to comfort him . But how do you comfort someone who just lost their home ? I don't even want to imagine Henry living on the streets . Hungry and alone . Cold and no blankets . He didn't even get a chance to salvage anything from his house . All of his belongings are gone . All of the things with memories attached to it are gone . His house that had photo albums of him and his family , gone . He didn't even get to save those . He lost everything . His cries became sobs and my shirt became soaked , but I didn't care . After awhile he stopped crying and it was then that I realized that he had cried himself to sleep . I laid him down on the bed and pulled the covers up . He deserves some sleep . For now on I'm not going to pressure him into sleeping less . If he's asleep he's not in any kind of physical or emotional pain . When I went back to the main room Charlotte looked up at me and her eyes widened at my very wet shirt .
Charlotte : Uh , what happened back there ?
Ray : Long story . Which I can't exactly say what .
Charlotte : I don't mean to pressure you and Henry or anything , but when are you going to say what has been stressing Henry out so much .
Ray : It's up to Henry .
I realized now that Henry's homeless , he's going to have to tell Charlotte and Jasper sooner rather than later . They're going to find out on their own eventually .
Charlotte : Well , is Henry at least okay ?
Ray : He is for now .
Technically I'm not lying . He's fine because he's sleeping so...
Charlotte : Okay .
Silence filled the room . But there was definitely no silence in my head . I can't stop thinking about Henry . He has no where to go but the streets . I don't want him living on the streets ! He's a good kid , he doesn't deserve to live on the streets . Although he didn't deserve to be injured either . I was so angry at his parents . If his parents didn't decide to leave him , he wouldn't have gone out to try and stop them , and then he probably would be healed by now . If it weren't for his parents , he wouldn't be homeless right now . Why did this happen to Henry ? Why Henry ? I didn't even notice Charlotte and Jasper trying to get my attention .
Charlotte : Hello ? Ray ??
Jasper : Earth to Ray .
Ray : Huh ? Oh ,what ?
Charlotte : It's after 10 o'clock .
Jasper : Can we go home ?
Ray : Yeah sure .
Charlotte : Thanks .
Ray : Whatever .
I didn't mean to be so rude , but I was still busy being mad at Henry's parents . He deserves better than them . My thoughts were being interrupted when I heard Henry calling for me . I ran up there as fast as I could to get to Henry . When I opened the door he was back to crying .
Ray : Hey don't cry . What's the matter ?
Henry : Can I have some ice please ?
Ray : Yeah sure .
I got him the ice and sat beside him . Now Henry was just staring off into space .
Ray : It'll be okay kid .
Henry : How do you know ? I'm homeless now . I'm going to be living on the streets .
Ray : We'll figure something out . I don't know what , but we'll figure something out .
Henry let a few more tears escape .
Henry : Ray can I please have a painkiller ?
Ray : Of course kid .
I handed him the painkiller which he gratefully accepted .
Henry : C-can you turn on the tv please ? I need to get my mind off things .
Ray : Sure kid .
I turned it on , grabbed the remote and handed it to Henry .
Ray : Here you go .
Henry : Thanks .
Henry watched Drake and Josh for awhile , every now and then he allowed tears to escape his eyes . It's still so hard to believe that he's homeless .

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