Fun Facts About Me!

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Hi guys ! So just so you know I already have the next chapter written and edited so the I will be releasing a new chapter very soon! In the meantime I figured it would be fun to do some fun facts about me . I have seen all lot of writers on Wattpad do this , so I thought I would do it as well . Lol
First name : Alyssa
Birthday : August 14  ( sorry , not revealing the year . I'm scared I would be treated differently if I say my age.)
My favorite colour : Pink and purple (I can't chose one from the other😜)
My favorite food : Steak ( apologies to all the vegetarians and vegans😳)
My eye color : Blue
Hair color : Brown ( Don't ask what shade , I'm not good with certain shades😂)
Favorite tv show : Henry Danger (obviously)
Hobbies : Dancing , art , crafting , doing makeup ( yes ,I added that ) , of course writing
Siblings : One younger brother
Favorite animal : Wolf
Favorite pet : Dog
Best friends' name : Jasmine and McCarley
Any other fun facts you want to know ? (Nothing that risks security reasons )
Anyways , chapter update will be here soon ! Bye and stay safe !

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