The First Smile In Forever

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Hey Guys ! I hope you are having a great day today and here is my new chapter ! Enjoy ! * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Henry's POV

Ray , Charlotte , and Jasper lead me down the hall for some kind of surprise they had for me . I hope this didn't take long because the painkiller is starting to wear off . They stopped at the guest room door . I don't quite get it though . Ray opened the door to something that seemed unreal . An exact copy of my bedroom back home . My jaw dropped in shock . I was at a loss for words . I couldn't believe what I was seeing . They somehow turned that small , boring , plain guest room bedroom . This couldn't be real !
Henry : Oh . My . Gosh . How did you- when did you-
I didn't even know what to say . I was so excited I could hardly breathe !
Ray : So ... do you like it ?
Henry : Like it ? I love it ! How in the world did you guys do this ?
Ray : We had some help from a science genius .
For the first time in over two weeks , I smiled . My friends cared about me so much , they spent all day fixing the guest room to like my room back home . They lead me through the now big bedroom , and every detail was the same . I don't know how Schwoz was able to enlarge this room , or how my friends were able to buy everything exactly the same as what I have back home , but this is incredible .
*time skip *
We all spent the entire day in the guest room . Them doing something so big for me , made me forget about all my problems . The shear burning pain in my ankle , my parents abandoning me , what I'm going to do about money once I'm alone , I forgot about everything today all because of what my friends did for me . I couldn't have been happier today . It was 10:30 p.m. and Charlotte and Jasper had gone home . Ray and I are watching Dog Judge and eating junk food .

Ray's POV

I'm so glad our plan worked out . For the first time in over two weeks Henry actually smiled . We had all spent the entire day in the guest room with Henry . He just seemed happier . He smiled more , he was more talkative , and he even laughed at our lame jokes . I'm so glad we decided to do this . I think it made him forget about all his current troubles . Although he had fun today I'm not sure he'll be the same tomorrow . Once the moment's over , depressed Henry may come back , which scares me . I enjoyed seeing him happy today , I don't want him to go back to being depressed . I looked over at him and saw the the painkiller may be wearing off .
Ray : Henry , you feeling okay?
Henry : My ankle is hurting really bad , that's all .
Ray : I have an idea on what may help .
Henry : What ?
Ray : Ice cream ?
I ran down to the auto snacker and ordered our favorite ice cream , and went back to the guest room and found Henry waiting patiently . I handed it to Henry and he gladly accepted the frozen treat . I didn't hear any more about his ankle giving him problems for the rest of the night . If there's anything that can fix pain , it's ice cream .
*time skip*
After about a couple more hours of just me and Henry goofing around we decided to go to bed . I knew very well I should be going to bed at decent hours since I still have crime to fight , but Henry is my priority . If staying up late goofing around is what it takes to get Henry's mind off things , then so be it . He has stayed depressed for far too long . Charlotte , Schwoz , and even Jasper have told me to start sleeping more , or at least take a break and let them care for Henry for awhile , but I won't allow it . They are always warning me about how I could pass out from exhaustion while on a mission and possibly get captured , but I think they're overreacting . Because I'm indestructible , I have to be realllllly tired to pass out from exhaustion . Henry is my main priority , and I will not risk letting anything worse happen to him . He's the closest thing I have to a son , and I hate seeing him go through so much all at one time . I looked over at the peaceful boy sleeping soundly . I don't care what they say , I'm not risking anything . And then , I fell asleep .
*the next day*

Henry's POV

I woke up with a burning pain in my ankle . It felt as if someone was just taking little bits of my flesh and just ripping it off . I looked and saw all the ice was melted . I saw that it was 10:00 a.m. I saw that Ray was already awake and scrolling through Twit - Flash .
Ray : Good Morning Henry !
Henry : Morning . I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned .
Ray : So , how you feeling ?
Henry : Like my ankle is being ripped apart .
Ray looked over and also saw that ice bags were completely melted .
Ray : Let me get you some more ice .
Henry : Okay .
Ray left to go get some more ice bags while I lay back in pain . While I was waiting for Ray to come back I got a text message from my  dad . It read :
Dear Henry , today is the day me , your mother and Piper move . I never got to tell you this but we are not staying in Swellview . We ended up having to buy a house in Boardertown . We just checked Piper out of school and are now on our way to our new home . I'm sorry we didn't get to even say goodbye in person , but I want you to know that your mother and I love you very much , and are sorry that we have to abandon you . We wish you good luck in living on your own at such a young age .

Tears welled in my eyes knowing that my parents are officially gone . Whenever my injury heals I'll just be living all alone at the age of 16 . I don't know what I'll do about money . My job as Kid Danger only pays 9 dollars an hour . I sighed knowing that it's going to be a long road ahead of me . Then Ray came back in so I quickly wiped away my tears .
Ray : Sorry I took so long .
Henry : It's okay .
He placed the new bags of ice on my ankle and threw out the old ones .
Ray : Henry ?
Henry : Yeah Ray ?
Ray : Have you been ... crying ?
Henry : No , why ask ?
Ray : Because your eyes are red and puffy .
Henry : Oh , uh ,sometimes my eyes water in the morning and it causes them to get a little red .
Ray : Uh , okay .
I wasn't ready to tell Ray that my parents have officially abandoned me . I just wanted to forget about it right now .
Ray : So what do you want to do today ?
What I want to do is cry . My heart aches knowing that my parents just gave up on me just like that . My dad didn't try to do anything about trying to make more money . And my mom could have tried getting a new job ! Instead she just sat down and watched my dad struggle with money problems . And they both decided that what was "best" was for them to pack up and move  , and leave one child behind ! I was fighting to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall .

Ray's POV

I saw Henry fighting back tears . I didn't know what to do in that moment . I was about to go sit beside him and ask what was wrong , but I heard the crime alert go off , so I had no choice but to leave . I ran down to the main room and saw Charlotte was already at the monitors checking the emergency .
Charlotte : Drex is on the loose . Someone just spotted him at Swellview park .
I quickly pulled out my gum and transformed .
I ran for the tubes and quickly left to go stop Swellview's worst villain .
*time skip*
I arrived at Swellview park and spotted Drex threatening to hurt some civilians .
I quickly ran over and tackled Drex .
He got back up quickly and flashed an evil grin .
Drex : Well well well . Captain Man . Whatever happened to your sidekick Kid Danger ?
Ray : That's for me to know .
Drex : Very well then .
Suddenly Drex threw a punch at me . Thanks to my indestructibility , it only hurt for a second.  I immediately fought back . It was all going okay , until my body started feeling weak . My legs wobbled , and my moves became sluggish . Suddenly Drex started fighting harder and I started losing . No no no this cannot be happening ! Not while fighting Drex ! Everything started growing fuzzy , then before I knew it , everything went black .

Ooooooh cliffhanger ! Hope you guys enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter ! Bye and stay safe !❤️

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