The End

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Thank you guys so much for reading my book ! I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it . It was truly a thrill to be writing this and reading all of your kind comments on it . Quick announcement , I will be releasing a new Henry Danger book very soon so be sure to keep check ! It'll probably be out in one to three days and I'm super excited about it . But as for right now , thank you so much for reading !! Here's a preview for my upcoming book , A Sick Sidekick .

" Henry please see a doctor. This is getting out of control." Ray pleaded.
"Guys, I'm fine . It's just a common cold ."
I'm glad that my friends are concerned, but it's probably fine .
" Henry, I agree with Ray on this one . This isn't normal for a common cold." Charlotte added .
" Guys, I'm okay!" I promise" I reassured.
But Ray kept on .
"Just please, see a doctor. Just to make sure." Ray begged.
I decided to just leave before losing my temper.
"Guys , I'm just goi- Hetchoo! I'm just going to go if this is all you're gonna say to me." I said while rubbing my nose . It has been irritated all day along with harsh coughing.
Ray and Charlotte sighed in defeat.
I walked out while Ray and Charlotte watched me leave with concerned looks on their faces .
I walked home when severe nausea crept up on me. It felt as if it were twisting into knots. A sudden dizzy spell crept up on me . I suddenly doubled over in pain and suddenly I threw up everything I ate in the last twenty-four hours. My head throbbed as I violently vomited all over the sidewalk. Maybe walking home was a bad idea . I tried getting up but then I got more dizzy than ever . Black stars danced in my vision , and then everything went black. I was passed out on the sidewalk, all alone in a dangerous part of Swellview , very sick , and no one knows where I am or what happened.

Ooh what do you think happens ? Stay tuned to see the upcoming chapter in my very soon to be book ! It's coming in about one to three days so keep watch if you want to know what happens next ! Once again thank you all so much for reading Henry Meets Danger, I couldn't have done it without you!❤️❤️❤️

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