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It was almost the end of visiting hours when Demir walked through the hospital reception door to see Selin. He greeted Azmiye quickly while signing his name on the visitor list and proceeded to the girl's room.

As in previous times, Demir's heart started to beat faster as he approached Selin's door. He was happy to have admitted that he was in love with her, so that he could enjoy every second of that feeling of despair and need that came over him whenever he was about to see her.

He knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before entering the room. When he opened the door he felt that his chest was going to tear due to the excitement with which his heart jumped inside him.

Selin was looking at the entrance to the room with an anxious look. She had loose hair falling over her shoulders and a small smile forming on her thin lips. Her eyes shone brighter than normal when they looked at him and her smile broke out at once.

Demir's legs did not move. He was ecstatic at the sight of Selin smiling at him.

Would it always be that way from that moment on? Whenever he saw her, wouldn't he know what else to do or what to say?

— Demir? — Selin's soft voice reached his ears dissipating his thoughts. — Gel.

He went. He would go anywhere she wanted, anywhere she called.

Selin watched Demir approach her bed with a bouncing heart. He was so handsome that night. More beautiful than normal. Perhaps that was the effect of being in love.

As soon as he sat on the edge of the bed, Demir took Selin's hands with his and brought them to his lips and kissed them gently. He smiled at her before interlacing their fingers and resting their joined hands on the mattress.

— So, Selin Hanım, how was your day? — He asked without taking his eyes off hers. — You haven't been lying down all day, have you?

Hayır. — Selin denied smiling. — Today Nil put me seated again. In fact, she was teaching me how to sit alone on the bed.

— You did it? — Demir asked curiously.

— So-so. — She replied with a grimace. — I managed to raise my torso a little, but I failed to sit down.

— It was only the first attempt, with practice in a short time you will be able to do this. — He guaranteed smiling.

— Demir... — Selin called uncertainty.

The doctor looked at her affectionately when she took longer than necessary to continue the question. Demir gently squeezed Selin's hand in his, encouraging her to speak. She took a deep breath before putting out one of her biggest fears:

— ...Will I have to stay in a bed waiting for someone to do things for me for the rest of my life?

Hayır, Selin! — Demir denied, vehemently. — Where did you get this from?

— I can't move my legs and my movements with my arms are practically nonexistent... — She replied in a wistful tone. — How will my life be different from this?

— Selin, did you hear what you said? — Demir scolded her affectionately. — It doesn't matter if your movements are slow or limited, what matters is that you managed to conquer them. And, as time goes by, you will conquer even more movements that will make you more and more independent.

— Promise? — Selin murmured, unsure.

— There is no need to promise something I know will happen, Selin. — He assured her. — But, if you need a guarantee from me, I promise.

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