Istanbul General Hospital

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The hospital was very quiet.

The emergency room was basically empty.

Everything was so calm that night that the doctors found time to meet at the reception with Azmie and talk about random things like the renovation of the parking lot. Azmie was basically the hospital newspaper. Good or bad, with happy endings or not, the stories always reached her. Doctors, nurses, assistants, rescuers, janitors, all at one time or another ended up stopping at that counter and sharing something they saw, heard and even lived. She was kind of like a diary, which sometimes let out the funniest and most exciting stories.

Despite the small laughs, they had that strange feeling that something was wrong. They might never get used to having a minute of silence in that hospital. Or maybe they were just afraid of what Ekram Bey would do if he came to the hospital and found them wasting time

Then the reception phone rang.

Ne?! — Azmie's alarming tone caught the attention, not only of doctors, but of everyone around her. — Demir Bey iyi misin?

The mention of Demir's name worried the doctors. The night was very quiet, they should have known this was a bad sign. What bad could have happened to him?

Tamam Demir Bey. — Azmie's voice was a little more controlled, but it still seemed tense and concerned. When she finished the call, found the look of her co-workers fixed on her.

— What happened to Doktor Erendil?

Azime didn't answer, instead he took the microphone and warned the entire hospital:

— Calling all doctors. There was a car accident in Süreya Operası, we had many victims. Please come to the hospital entrance. The victims are coming, please be prepared. — As soon as she started speaking the hospital went on alert. The whole atmosphere of the room has changed dramatically. — Assistants and nurses prepare the operating room immediately, Demir Bey is arriving with one of the most critical victims and he needs to do the operation soon.

— Azime, did you say Süreya Operası? — Merve's voice shook as much as his body.

— Evet. — Azmie gave her colleague a concerned look. — Neden?

— The first victim came. — One of the nurses announced, preventing Merve from responding.

Merve took a step forward running to the entrance where paramedics were passing a woman on the stretcher. She approached the victim. Her breath stoped a little bit and her eyes could hardly believe what they saw.

Mervosh — Ayda said in a sobbing voice with tears in her eyes.

Merve stared at her friend trying to give her security. Ayda had her neck immobilized and a few scratches spread across her face. Her arms also had some superficial wounds and there was a little blood on her clothes.

— Selin nerede?

A shiver went through Merve's body when he heard Ayda's question. Maybe it was the extremely painful tone that her friend was using.

— Ayda, lütfen, stay calm. I will take care of you and then I will find our friend.

Mervosh, I shouldn't have insisted that she make this presentation. If something happens to her, I will never forgive myself.

Ayda started to cry and the heart rate meter showed that her heart rate was accelerating more and more. Merve took her to a room to be able to examine her, it would be better to calm her down, first of all she was also a victim. They were halfway to the emergency room when Demir came through the door shouting:

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