Chapter 1: Awakening

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101 Dalmatian Street belongs to Disney. OC belongs to me.

All I could feel was agony, the cold blades piercing my flesh, in all the wrong areas too. I’m disoriented, I can’t even see past just faint blurs, my ears are ringing, and I can’t even move, like a pufferfish poisoning someone dumb enough to touch it. With the remaining strength I have left, I focus on one individual who stands out from the rest, the face I can barely make out, but a symbol on the forehead sticks out like a sore thumb. A mask, surrounded by membranous wings on the bottom, and angelic wings on the top. This image burns itself into my mind, as it is the only thing I can see in my pain. As if this all weren’t bad enough, the figure speaks with a low, raspy, but distinctive voice.

“You think you’re worth something, aren’t you? You really think that just because you did what you did, that you’re a good person? That you can protect anyone? How do you you know you might’ve done it for your own good? Or even your own compensation for what you can’t do? Good times create bad men, you know. But let’s see if you’re one of those exceptions.” The figure says.

The figure then reaches out it’s hand, and a slow stream of grey energy flows onto the blades and into me. In case you’re wondering what that feels like, it’s like he put hydrogen peroxide on the blades as they were already inside my flesh. Then, it was as if a part of me came to life and began hatefully shredding it’s way out of me. It was a silent pain, the worst kind, one that I couldn’t even scream at, only ever internally I could, but the only other thing I could do was stare at the figure, giving me an emotionless look, causing my suffering. Then abruptly, it stopped.

Time was frozen in place, but somehow my vision slowly started to fade, as if my body finally decided it was time for the pain to end, but I don’t even care at this point, that’s all I want. But a few moments before everything went black, I saw a light, and the figures look shocked, I heard some shouting.

“What’s going on?! He’s influenced!! He’s not supposed to be warping!”

“Sir! He put a goddamn failsafe on himself! He knew what we were doing!”

“YOU BASTARD!!!!!” He opens up his hand in my face and a sphere made of light and dark forms in his hand, it was strange because it had a very unique feel to it, not really assuring, but kind of warm in a sinister way, as if I were to forget who he was, but I knew what he was like. Finally, I lose track of everything, as if Death itself finally brought me into my eternal slumber before this perpetrator could end me.

The next thing I know, my conscience returns for a brief moment, and I barely have the internal strength to panic at the fact that I was in a burning building! I could see the ceiling and the walls on fire, crumbing to bits around me. Am I in hell? What could have I done to have had me sent here? But as soon as I finish that thought, I see a bunch of clear white stuff coming over me and onto the fire, putting it out? Water? Is someone here to stop this madness? To answer that question, a bunch of big people in black and yellow move across my line of sight, through a door on the opposite end of the room, to put out the rest of the flames, bringing relief to my spirit, at least I won’t burn to death. In addition to the people, who by this time have left the area, likely believing no one survived, a creature comes in to the room I’m in. The creature, looking to be a dog, a strangely muscular dog, gives out different whines as it sniffs what looked to be charred corpses of people who couldn’t make it out. Damn, if only I had the strength, I could have potentially done something about this!

Even though I couldn’t, fortunately, I don’t need to, because eventually, the dog sniffs over to where I am. It moves over some of the rubble on my face, revealing a large, white canine with black spots all around it’s body, a….Dalmatian, if I’m correct on the spots, wearing a firefighter’s helmet? The dog looks into my barely open eyes, and gives sniffs all around my body and puts its ears near my mouth, before giving a look of absolute shock. It then pushes itself under my body, carrying me with all its might, looking as if it’s pushing itself past its own limits, to save me. With the Dalmatian slowly, but surely bringing me through the fires of hell, with the inferno beginning to char his fur all at the same time. I can barely look into his eyes, with me receiving a look of unwavering determination, from this Dalmatian, who is risking its life, for one that is not its own. Eventually, the fires fade away, and at the end of the infernal hallway, comes the light of day. This dog, had saved my life, and brought me to the awaiting cavalry. The dog barks in the direction of another Dalmatian, catching its attention, this one looking slimmer than the one carrying me. The slim dog, wearing a collar resembling a first aid kit, has a look of amazement and concern, identical to the one that the big dog gave me when it found me, which she gives to the big one, who returns the same look. The smaller dog begins scanning my form for any damage, though when it finishes, the damage evaluation seems to have come back clean, with it looking even more confused than before. The small dog begins licking my face to see if I will give a response, to which I give, using the last of my strength, to let out a small, wheezing groan, confirming that I am alive, at the very least barely. Soon, the nearby firefighters and media notice us.

101 Dalmatian Street: A Deity Among DalmatiansWhere stories live. Discover now