Chapter 7: The First Lesson

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(At this point, I think it might be mandatory for me to have an apology at the beginning of my chapters. Because at least twice now it's taken me a month to get the chapters. Seriously, what is wrong with me. Pretty sure it's my time management, I'll just go with that to save any more explanations. Sorry about the long wait time, I have no excuses for not being better, but this time I made like Mario and 1-up'd myself by making this 11 thousand words. So please, if you can, leave a like, comment, vote, ENJOY and STAY AWESOME!!!)

Demon, Unknown Location:

To describe what just happened as 'exciting', was a bit of an understatement. That description is certainly accurate, but to be more precise, it was more like, 'WHY HAVE I NOT EXPERIENCED SOMETHING LIKE THIS SOONER IN LIFE?!'. Yeah, I enjoyed the fight, a little too much, if I say so myself. Hey, I'm part of a battle-born race bent on war, control and conquest, what can I say? I'm an adrenaline junkie, I crave walking between the lines of life and death. AND serving a greater purpose at the same time? This is what I live for!

I also am, of course, thinking about this as my literal ashes are being blown back to my home dimension to rematerialize or reform. Didn't expect that, now, did you? Though I'm technically not dead, I'm do you say it....DE-formed, or DE-materialized. My physical state, if it's damaged enough, will eventually lose its form and 'dematerialize' (You know what, I'll just go with 'Deform' just to save some syllables. That alright with you? Good? Good.) into an ashen-like state whose purpose is to send me back home so I can regain my body. Unfortunately, for context, it is ONLY our bodies that get reformed when we return, we lose all clothing and possessions on us once we get defeated. We don't have any access to pocket dimensions unless we're stronger than a mere Scout, someone like me. In that case, I'd be able to store things in a limited amount of space that only I have access to, at any time I want. I thought that by defeating Rictor in his weakened state, I'd be able to extract some of his power to rise up higher in the ranks. Boss already briefed me on what he was capable of, even with his Shattered memory, so I knew what I was getting into when I took the shift. What I didn't expect, is that MY OWN energy, would cause that of his own to be Ignited when he blocked it. In trying to make myself stronger, I think I unintentionally made HIM a little stronger while I was at it. Now that he knows about Igniting his power through his aura, AND I lost my guns at the same time, that could spell trouble for us later. Sadly, because of this, I'm already looking forward to the day he remembers how to Ascend. Because as demonstrated by today, my lust for a good fight outweighs my logical reasoning, more at the plight of a potential satisfying victory following a glorious defeat.

I know I'm a Scout, and am not really supposed to be concerned with other Demons' affairs, but I wonder how that Striker is going to fare being able to make it to that, Cornwell, place? I don't know, I wasn't given the assignment.

As I feel what remains of my form beginning to reemerge into familiar territory, part of me is anxious as to what Boss is going to say, or do, because of me failing to defeat Rictor. I hope the news of him getting stronger will please Boss enough to the point where he won't give me too bad of a punishment. He has, however, given worse punishments for dumber reasons, usually when he's angry or illogical, so I think I have a chance.

The only real concern I have, in addition to him discovering the extent of his own capabilities, is that Rictor might be able to teach other beings of Earth, especially that 'Dalmatian Family' of his, the secrets of their hidden, dormant, power, just waiting to be unleashed......

As I feel my sight and bodily senses return, as well as my extraneous senses and my physical body remanifesting, I am greeted with a sight and a presence I'm not too eager to see right now.

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