Chapter 14: The Calm among the Chaos

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(Dayum, keep up this somewhat timely manner of uploading I might be doing a halfway decent job in terms of an actual career path. I have a little something to say to you at the end of this chapter, but we'll get to that very soon. For now, leave a vote, comment, maybe even a follow and a share while you're at it, STAY AWESOME, and ENJOY!!!)

My hardened heart is frozen, weathered one too many winters,

I no more smell the roses, I've woke to watch them wither. -JT Music

"Where'd you hear that, Kai?"

"It's only the first lines of a song from some buddies of mine that was alright. A little too simp-y for me though."

"Guessing you specifically heard it online?"

"Yeah, but with their permission, I'm actually working on a version of it that's a little more poetic, make it a little more like those 2 lines."

"Are you referencing to Rick's incidents in the Sakura Rose field and the Permafrost Woods with those lyrics?"

"Always the inquisitive one, Cato. But since when did you start calling him by his nickname?"

"Since I started getting a little lazy with syllables."

"Su-u-ure. You alright with him being lazy with your name, Rictor?"

"It's alright, I've been called worse."

"Fun fact, did you know that your first name is derived from a German name that means 'Judge'? Your last name basically means 'Fox', and usually given to those who are intelligent or clever."

"You're not wrong there."

"Well, considering what you do to those who commit crimes against life, it's a bit of a fitting name."

"If you still want to call me Rick, I'm alright with that. Speaking of, wasn't your middle name Cormack? Or something like that? Cato Cormack Carling. Sorry that I keep forgetting, but it sounds more like a title than anything."

"You're alright, and yeah, it's Gaelic. Forgot the meaning though. Need to look it up sometime soon."

"I know it is Gaelic, you said your mother was a Valkyrie, and your father was an Angel, right?"

"Are the wings that you so graciously helped me earn, the sufficient evidence you need?"

"It's one of the few things I truly take pride in, man. You deserve those."

"I couldn't have done it without you, naturally."

"Thanks man. Also, super quick tangent, I've seen on Earth's news that your mother is a musician now and your father is taking care of your siblings. Are they retired? Gunhild Carling and Johan et Uriel, I believe their names are."

"Correct, don't worry, my family will be safe from any of our enemies, we've seen to that. My only concern is mother or father sometimes stepping out of retirement to deal with the itch of returning to combat again..."

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