Chapter 9: The Bout with Bullies

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(LET'S GO! New Record! Another, albeit unintentionally lengthy, chapter within a week and a half!I'm sorry, I know I said I'd get the next one out within the week, I was just so caught up in the writing I didn't realize within an extra days as promised I turned 4 thousand words into 11 thousand! I'm not even questioning it, I'm just happy to be able to pull this out for you guys. Thank you all for the amazing support so far, and I appreciate you all for it. If you guys want more please, leave a like, vote, and a comment. Stay Awesome, and Enjoy!)

Previously on, A Deity Among Dalmatians...

"DIMITRIS!!!" Deepak screams.

"Oh dog...Again with the Dimitris?!" Dylan frustratingly asks.

"Who're they?" I ask with the slightest hint of venom in my voice. "They like the bullies, or something?" I ask, not caring how I address these guys after they just assaulted my friend.

"Blunt way of putting it, but yeah." Dylan says. "Regardless, duty calls."

"I'll let you try handling this first, if things go south, I'll break out the big guns." I ominously say.

"What big guns?" Dylan asks, unnerved at what I just said.

"You'll see..."

Present time


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE ANY OF THIS?! I never tease anybody, I never hurt anyone, I only want the best for my family, I aim to achieve my inner cat, I've only ever helped, and wanted to help, my family. So why do the Dimitris do this?! How can these weak weeds on our lawn bring themselves to trespass against me? Do they get some sick sense of enjoyment out of this?

I just don't know...

Fortunately, I notice Dylan finally making his way here, and Rictor, as I notice him, is observing us from the tree where they were hanging out.

Not trying to be disrespectful to Dylan at all, but I kind of feel like I should've called Rictor over here, he certainly seems more mature and for sure knows what he's doing when it comes to helping us. I only called my brother out of habit.

"Dimitris, we talked about this! No assaulting your brother with water, or even water balloons for that matter!" Dylan scolds them.

"Oh, Dylan, we were just having fun with the cat." Dimitri 1 innocently says.

"Yeah, the little kitty cat is just cranky that we're playing around." Dimitri 2 mockingly adds while looking at me, I only give him a sour look in return.

"What? You a cat lover?" Dimitri 3 tries to turn the tables on Dylan.

"What?! No, I'm not, I'm allergic to them! Even if I wanted to hang with them, I couldn't! And even if I could, I don't want to." The last part he mutters under his breath.

Before he can say anything else, Dimitri 1 and 2 throw a bucket of cold water they were hiding behind them onto me, drenching and freezing me even more than they already have.

"Dylan, please, make them stop!" I beg my brother to take charge.

"Bad Dimitris! Stop this right now!" He demands them, a slight hope of mine arises that they might follow his orders, but it's shattered instantly.

"Sure, we'll stop." Dimitri 1 winks and throws another water balloon at me.

Just.... let Dylan do his thing, Deepak. Close your eyes, feel your inner cat, remember what Guru-Miaow said, pure zen, focus on only what you want to hear.

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