Chapter 17: The Deadly Dance, Part 2

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(I'm not dead, again... Just, you'll see my exceedingly long standard apology at the end. For now, if you can, please leave a vote, comment, share this with all your friends, check out my other story if you'd like, maybe even leave a follow while you're at it, STAY AWESOME, AND ENJOY!!!)

Speed Demon

Of course, he has to be the one who wanted to have a good time.

Why not?!

It's not like he's wanting to fight 3 of the strongest adversaries we know of just because he's bored and wanted to get out of the fortress. Not like he wants me and Seeker to act as Sleepers (Sleeper agents, usually called on for when we're needed. It's what I was before I took action when I was still a Scout) for the time being until he'd been entertained enough. Not like he wanted to be like Thanos in that Endgame movie.

Hasn't he learned from Seraph yet?

Could take them all out if we all worked together for once, but no.

Not like I can argue with his orders even if I wanted to.

Just waiting here for them...

This feels familiar.

Yunno, Striker contacted me a while ago and told me even though he told Rictor to take care of our Influenced army to get an answer about his little Acolytes, it's more than likely he's already figured it out.

Kind of ruins the whole surprise but hey, gotta give credit to the guy and his detective skills.

Eh, we still have them to fall back on if we want to cause more mayhem here, they're already doing so in the south side of the city.

Now that I think about it, there's 4 of us now.

Boss, Striker, Me, and Seeker.

At least for the time being, depending on whether or not things change.

Almost like Striker and Seraph's previous 4 Horsemen...except they had an Anomaly in their team...

Or was it 2? I dunno, I forgot.

He told me about them, and honestly, I'm jealous.

Horsemen are synonymous with the concept of Demons, given that they are temporary teams usually consisting of 4 members.

Because 4, is normally all we'd need for conquering a world.

And of course, being Horsemen, we'd be the living embodiment of the apocalypse in universes.

Because with their end, a new chapter for us begins.

This is the first time I've been a part of something like that, I'm no stranger to combat and this life, but this is one of those rare instances where I work alongside Boss.

Hell, he was even the one who Evolved me!

Speaking of, I know that I'm a Speed Demon now, and I know I called myself Speed...but I don't think it rolls off the tongue well.

You wanna be named after Amphetamines?

Not in my case.

As I stand on top of Victoria tower in Westminster, I conjure up a small lightning bolt in my hand. I gaze upon the miniature ARMY Striker granted me control of, I reminiscent on a new name, one that the beings lower than me would fear.


Now that I think about it, Victoria tower...

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