Chapter 10: The Daughter's Amends

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(Alright, here we go, same deal as last time. I'm going to be releasing the next chapter soon after this one. But I want to take a moment and thank all you guys for the amazing support, your guys' appreciation for my work is what keeps me going to deliver this content to you guys. I never would've been able to do this without you and again, I want to say thank you to you guys, you guys are be-awesome. So if you guys love this, leave a vote, comment, give me a follow, Stay Smart, Stay Awesome, and ENJOY!!!)

Unknown, Undisclosed Location

Come on man, where are you? I know you're alive, because I can still sense you, and I know for a fact that you've survived worse than that, much worse. You've constantly shown to be able to defy death repeatedly, so many times that I've lost count. Every single time you've won and even lost, you came back stronger than ever before. Never do you fight for self-gain, but for self-improvement for both yourself and even those around you. You fight to protect the ones you love, and you've literally demonstrated that selfless love being an unstoppable force, capable of levelling mountains and toppling tyrants.

Even by our standards, you really are something else, something greater.

You saved me, you trained me, you showed me everything that I can become, and more. When I said that I wanted to be like you, you said that I can never hope to be like that. I was almost devastated at this before you said that it is impossible to become someone else, someone that I'm not, but it is possible to become a better version of myself, someone I can be. You said I could never become greater by imitation, only ever by Ascension, in both power and my personal development. Because of this, I have pushed myself past my own limits, shattering them even, and becoming greater than I ever have been in my life.

As if that wasn't perfect enough, you even helped me get my wings...

It is through all this goodness from you that I was all the more destroyed after your capture, and your unimaginable sacrifice...

You already consulted me and the rest of us about it, and you knew what you were possibly getting into, but it was after that bastard Lee Rylan managed to get his hands on you after the whole thing and in your weakened state, took you away to God-knows-where, that just annihilated us. Even more than any of our battle wounds.

I still don't even know why he did it...

I hoped that you had a backup plan in case the worst happened, and when I heard the ethereal chatter, I knew that you managed to escape somehow. Something that piqued my concern, however, is I heard one of the demons mention they Shattered your memory.

Shattering someone's memory is a form of memory erasure, though it is much more indelicate and ineffective, kind of like how Lee unlocks the Evolved forms of his Demons, except his forceful evolving actually works. Think of a dirty glass ball as your memory, and wiping it clean takes time, but breaking it up into little pieces is much quicker, though those shards will be everywhere.

However, those shards still somehow circle around your mind, and still will for some time afterwards. If you make a connection with someone, like a friendship or a familial bond, those memory pieces will latch on to those people you have connections with. In this case, namely Rictor and that new bunch of signatures around him, likely meaning he's found people to stay with. Hopefully they're good people that will take care of him until we find him. The memories tend to manifest themselves either in the form of visions, or much more commonly, dreams. The people only ever see them when they would normally be having dreams, and more often than not they confuse them as just being part of their conscience when really...

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