Chapter 23: The Two Tail Trade

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"Slasher, you already gotten to work on the 'other ones'?"

"Yes sir."

"Perfect...I'll be seeing you soon..."

I look over to Swift.

"Are you ready?" I ask my subordinate.

"At your command, sir." He nods.

"When he gets his little victory, we break their morale..." I grin maliciously.

Shot in the dark, considering all 3 of them are here...

But let's see how he fares starting from SQUARE ONE!!!


"I made a promise to free you, and I will!" I declare.

"Couldn't save us, could ya'?" The Influenced Summer mocks me with her electronic voice.

"Couldn't do so when I didn't know you existed, respectfully." I point out.

"Even so...ya didn't then and ya' couldn't now." Spike joins in.

"In that case, I'd like to prove you wrong!" I shout, pointing a Void Blade at them.

"If that's the cost you'd like to endure..." The two of them glare at me ominously.

The two of them flare up their power through their swords again, I glare at them again.

Suddenly they take off in a sprint towards me, and I join them in the charge.

When we close the distance, they simultaneously swipe down at me and I Matrix-slide under it. They swing 180 degrees and I backstep it.

I have to disarm and wear them down before I eliminate the Demonic presence in them.

Only problem is that I haven't fought anyone with their stance before...

Summer comes up on me and brings her sword down, I parry it as I redirect the follow up Spike throws at me, kicking him away.

I sidestep a stab Summer throws at me and I jump over the low slash Spike flings as he runs at me.

Then, the two of them step back briefly, Spike seems to do something to his sword, and that metal hunk of a weapon splits up into segments!

He charges at me and swings his sword, all the segments separate into a giant bulky bladed whip!

What kind of Bloodborne crap is this?!

Not even bothering to block, I sidestep it and limbo-dodge the horizontal swipe.

As I do that last dodge, I witness him having jumped up into the air and barrel-roll spinning his weapon at me!

I just about manage to dive-roll past that vicious attack, giving me Striker flashbacks. I take it upon myself to jump over the next swing and drive my knee into Spike's neck, slamming him into the ground.

As I go to try and rip the sword from his mouth, my senses go off and I witness Summer jumping over me.

But something...unexpected happens...

She too does something to her sword...the handle extends...and from it...


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