Chapter 5: Discussions, Dinner, and Dreams

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(Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know I am SO DAYUM SORRY about the long wait. I try to have a consistent writing schedule, but things involving work, school, family, and other issues usually leave me with fewer opportunities to grind out chapters than I'd like. I hope you can forgive me for the wait, but in return I've taken it upon myself to make this the longest chapter so far. Again, I'm sorry, and I'll try to do better in terms of time. But please, leave a like and a comment if you can, and enjoy!)

Da Vinci is enjoying every second of her ride in my arms, her smile unwavering, yet her eyes struggling to stay open at the swing of my walking as if I were rocking her to sleep. She occasionally opens her beady eyes for a little bit to look me in mine, to which I give a sweet smile in return.

The rest of the family looks on in envy, wanting me to give them a turn carrying them, to which I notice. Now, as much as I want to give every single one of them a chance being held, I want to let Da Vinci have her moment, they can all have their turns in time.

Meanwhile, Doug makes his way over to me and walks beside me, his mind having the feel of wanting to ask something.

"Hey Rictor." He politely greets.

"Hi Doug, what's up?" I ask him, wanting to know what he wants.

"I just wanted to ask, how did you do that?" He asks.

"Do what?" I ask, curious as to which of the things I've done today he's referring to.

"Well, both those moves you were doing earlier, and the way you caught that trash lid. I've never seen anyone do anything like that. Have you had combat training, or something along those lines?" He inquisitively asks, gaining the attention of everyone walking beside me, or basically all of the family.

"To be honest, I don't know." I say, everyone gets confused by this.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'? I'm friends with members of the police force, I've seen the training they go through. The moves I saw you do were far more advanced than what they do, it was akin to those of Black Belts in martial arts. The way you were doing them takes someone who's done it their entire lives to do it. I mean, on the part where you did that front flip and the follow up kick, you managed to maintain your balance when you landed. You should've had a moment to recover from such a dramatic move, but you looked like you didn't even need it, it takes someone who has trained their brain to recover at a much faster rate. Either you're something else, or you've done this before." Doug interrogatively asks.

"I'm so sorry Doug, is it possible we can talk about this later? I don't want to confuse the kids with all the details." I whisper to him, he gives a reluctant nod.

"Alright, but we do need to talk later." He says with a stern look.

"If you want to get some of the details, you can always ask Dylan, I already told him the confusing bits." I say, glancing over to Doug's adoptive son, to which the father follows. Dylan, when I focus my hearing over to his area to see what is going on, is telling Dawkins my story, his brother giving looks of disbelief in return to the parts where I should've died.

"Really?" He asks, I pull my hearing back as he tilts his head. "Why did you tell him out of everyone?"

"We were washing dishes and the topic came up. As to why I didn't tell you yesterday or today, you were busy bringing me home yesterday, and the subject never came up today." I explain to him.

"Okay, I'll ask him." He says, falling behind to Dylan, who just finishes talking to Dawkins, now begins conversing with Doug. He asks his son to tell him my story, to which the latter gets excited and his tail wags again as he begins to retell the tale.

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