Chapter eight

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Notes before this chapter:

Haha, I didn't expect I would be gone for three months...haha, I'm so sorry. I was focusing too much on my schoolwork and completely forgot about this fic... sorry! >w<

Well it feels good to write another chapter of this fic, so I hope you enjoy this! It's the part where Lucas and Athanasia finally get out of the palace. To be honest, I was planning for the last chapter to have that part, but I guess I got carried away and ended up making a chapter just about Lucas and Athy bonding together like friends....hehe...

I'm also not that into the WMMAP fandom anymore (I am so sorry TwT) But I will still try to update this fanfiction as much as possible! But also, I might go on several hiatuses every couple of chapters or so, since you kno...writers block...eheheh....

ANYWAYS- enough of this nonsense, onto the next chapter!




Athanasia did not expect to actually get out of the palace.

All her life, she always thought she would just live inside a luxurious palace, with maids and servants at her command. 

And with an emperor as a father, anything she ever wanted- from jewels, dresses, shoes, buildings, and practically anything was right within her grasp. 

However, she never thought she would get to leave that luxurious life. 

Not until now, that is.




"Lucas..." Athy grumbled, sitting down on the floor. 

She was sitting at an alleyway, staring at all the shops, stores, and people in front of her.

"I know you're there." Athy sighed.

Being suddenly teleported to a town in the middle of your studies was not what Athy expected.

"hrm?" Lucas appeared out of nowhere.

"AAAAA!" Athy instinctively punched his face.

"Ow...jeez, why'd you do that?" Lucas complained, rubbing his cheek. 

"I didn't know you were here!" Athy yelled, flustered. 

"What? I thought you said that you knew I was here?" the cheeky boy grinned, staring down at the very confused yet annoyed princess. 

Athy sighed, too tired to talk back to him.

"Sigh...what do you want from me?" Athy groaned. 

"I thought you were bored, so I just teleported here. Doing schoolwork is no fun." Lucas grinned. 

Athy, on the other hand, had a confused, but annoyed look on her face. 

"Teleport me backkkk!!!!" Athy repeatedly punched Lucas's head. "TELEPORT ME BACKKK!!!!" 

"Ow...Ow..jeez, okay, okay, I know!" Lucas yelled. He was about to snap his fingers until Athy stopped him.

"WAIT DON'T DO IT YET!" Athy yelled. 

Now Lucas was the one annoyed and confused.

"What? Didn't you say you wanted to go back?" Lucas groaned, tired. 

He wanted to do something nice for the princess, but he ended up making her annoyed. Sometimes, Lucas questions the meaning of 'nice.'

Last time someone did something considered, 'nice' for him, he ended up burning half a town in Obelia.

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