Chapter one

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The debutante ball


I sighed, as I felt my feet ache after dancing with my dad. When I stepped on his feet and tripped, I felt as if I twisted my ankle or something.

I groan in pain as I try to walk towards the guests to greet them. Thankfully, I made it.

"Hello, that lily really suits you, may I join the dance?" I ask. I see a lot of girls dancing while holding hands. They stopped to look at me. Whispers flooded the ballroom.

"Princess Athanasia looks so pretty up close in person"

"The princess would make a good wife for my son"

"Princess Athanasia is truly a magnificent beauty."

They all whispered. I blushed, feeling embarrassed by the compliments. After a moment, the lily girl answered.

"Yes, it would be an honor for your highness to join our dance" she said with a smile. I blush. I honestly have a weakness for pretty girls. I dance with them, trying not to groan in pain as my ankle aches.

I guess I was too focused on my ankle to notice that my ribbon was coming undone.

"Princess...?" I hear a soft voice say. I turned around to see a brunette next to me.

That hair

That face

That voice





Some shivers went down my spine. My eyes widened.

"Y-Yes?" I say to her.

"Your ribbon is coming undone, may I tie it for you again?" She asks.

"No, it's fine. I will ask someone else to do it for me" I say with a fake smile. I get out of the way because I lost the tempo of the dance. At this point, my ankle was aching to the point that I might collapse. Maybe I could go outside for a bit.

I walk outside to the fountain. I sit there for a couple of minutes, gazing at the stars.

"Princess...?" I hear a voice say. I jump a little. I was not expecting anybody to be here. The hands that gripped to the side of the the fountain was shaking, and I was trying to hold my body from falling into the fountain as it leaned backwards. It was no use. My hands let go as my body was about to fall into the fountain. Just as I was about to hit the water, a pair of hands caught me. I opened my eyes to see Ijekiel holding onto my back to keep me from falling.

So that voice was Ijekiel's..

"Please pardon my fowardness, Princess." Ijekiel says as he sets me down on the grass. "You were about to fall into the fountain."

"No, it's fine." I say. "Thank you."

"If it isn't too much of a bother, may I have a dance?" Ijekiel asks. Did he come all the way out here just to ask me for a dance?

I would say yes, but honestly, I don't think I could handle another dance with my twisted ankle. I don't know what to say, and it left an awkward silence between us.

"...if you don't want to, it's fine." Ijekiel says.

"No, it's not like that..." i say. "It's just that my ankle-

"Ijekiel? Why are you here?" I hear a familiar voice cut me off. I turned to look at Jeanette. This made things more awkward for us.

"Jeanette...." Ijekiel mumbled.

"Ijekiel, let's dance together!" Jeanette chirps. "Oh, princess Athanasia, pardon me for not greeting you. I didn't notice you. I'm sorry."

"It's fine..." I say. "So you two could dance. I'm just going to rest here." I say as I sat back down on the fountain.

"But won't you fall back in it?" Ijekiel asks. I get a little annoyed.

"When did I fall inside?" I questioned. "Weren't you the one who scared me?"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I shall take my leave now. Blessings and glory upon the star of the Obelian empire." Ijekiel says as he escorted Jeanette back to the ballroom.

I sighed as I looked into the fountain. The reflection of me was in the water. I admire my reflection.

"Athanasia is really pretty... how come she was the outcast princess in the novel?" I question myself. I look back at the water. I was tired. I put my hand in the water. It felt cool. I felt my vision get blurry. I felt like I could fall asleep any second now. I tried to snap out of it, but my body won't let me. As I felt my body shut down, I felt another pair of hands hold onto me.

Great, just great, who could it be now?

"My, you shouldn't be co careless, Princess." I hear an arrogant voice say. Tch, when did he get here?

"Why are you here, Lucas?" I ask, annoyed.

"My, the pretty princess almost fell into the lake. Why wouldn't I be here? You will end up with a fever if you fell into the fountain." Lucas says mockingly.

Pfft, he thinks he can get away with that?

"Wow, did you just call me pretty? Why, thank you." I say teasingly. I felt Lucas drop me into the fountain.

"AAAAHH!" I screamed as I felt my body submerge into the water. Man, f**k you Lucas. Right when my body got soaked into the water, I felt Lucas's mana pick me back up. Then I was dried with magic too.

"Oops, I'm sorry, my hand accidentally slipped." Lucas says. I punch him in the head right when he put me back on the ground.

"Ow, what was that for?" Lucas says. Before I could reply, he disappeared. I sigh.

I guess I have to go back to the ballroom.

I got up, and walked to the ballroom. As I was walking, I noticed my ankle didn't hurt at all. It must have been Lucas's doing. I stopped mid-way. I looked back up at the moon.

I smiled.

"Thank you, Lucas." I whispered under my breath.





that was the rewrite! What do you think of it? Is it better? Worse? Please let me know in the comments! Be honest about it, I don't mind. So yeah! hope u enjoyeddd


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