Chapter four

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Note: This was kind of unedited, so I'm sorry for any grammar errors or spelling mistakes >w<  


Flower petals gracefully fell off the bushes and trees of the garden, with the calming, fresh air, gently lifting them back up again from time to time.

Athanasia picked flowers from her garden, gazing into the patterns the petals made. She smiled. Right beside her is Lucas, sitting on a tree, asleep. And right next to the tree in which Lucas fell asleep on, is the one and only knight of crimson blood, Felix Robane.

"Felix, aren't the flowers pretty?" Athanasia asks, holding the flowers up to the sun.

"They are indeed very pretty, but not as pretty as you, princess." Felix replies with a smile on his face.

Athanasia blushed at the compliment. She began to fiddle with the flowers to hide her embarrassment. The three (including Lucas) sat in a comfortable silence.

"That's a nice flower crown you made, princess." Felix says suddenly.

Athanasia flinches. 'Flower crown? What flower crown? Could this be Lucas's doing...? No, it couldn't possibly be him, he's asleep.'

"Um...What do you mea-

Athanasia stopped her sentence mid-way. Out of the corner of her eyes, she found a messily-made flower crown in her hands.


She was fiddling with the flowers, and unknowingly created a flower crown. Athy blushed in embarrassment.

"A-Ah, thank you, Felix." Athy quickly replied. Felix smiled in response.

"That would be a nice gift to His Majesty." Felix looked at the flower crown, wondering.

"No, daddy doesn't like these kinds of things." Athy replies, sighing. But then Felix was partially right, it would make a good gift for dad, and it would look really nice on him. He'd look like that flower boy one of the girls at the tea party mentioned. But daddy wouldn't ever wear these kinds of things.

Athanasia sighed as she got up, dusting some of the dirt off her dress. She bent down, picking up the flowers and her flower crown, and started heading off.

"Pr-Princess! Where are you going?" Felix asked, speed-walking to catch up with Athy who was seven steps ahead from him.

"I want to go visit dad." Athy stated simply, skipping her way over to the Garnet Palace.

"Princess, please don't walk so fast! You can fall!" Felix says worriedly.

Athy stopped. She bent down to her feet.

"Princess...?" Felix questions, raising a brow.

Athy took off both her high-heels.

"These were uncomfortable anyways." Athy says, breathing a sigh of relief as she tossed her high heels onto the grass.  Athy got back up. "Now I can run as fast as I want!" Athy smiled brightly. Felix wanted to protest, but he couldn't go against the princess's wishes, unless he wanted his head chopped off by the emperor.

"Princess..." Felix sighs, picking up the princess's shoes she just left to the side. "Princess, even though you aren't wearing your heels anymore, doesn't mean you should ru-

Felix pauses mid-sentence. Athy was nowhere to be seen. In fact, the little ball of sunshine left a long time ago, running off , flowers in hand, to her father's palace.

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