Chapter five

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It was like looking at a white fox and a black wolf, glaring at each other, ready to fight at a moment's notice. The tension between the two kept on building up as they kept glaring at each other.

Athy gulped, and was sweating nervously at the sight of the two.

Now things are getting real....




Ijekiel and Lucas glaring at each other was not a pretty sight. To Athanasia, at least. But to other girls, it would be like two handsome men fighting for their love. Athanasia shivered at the thought. She alread had her braincells dead from listening to the girls at the tea party talk about how handsome Lucas was, and how much they wanted to marry him. One even suggested that Athanasia married Lucas, and that made Athy choke on her tea.

So yeah, she wasn't quite happy with the sight she is witnessing right now...

"...I apologize for intruding on her highness's private property, and for every moment after. I was not aware that this was even private property, given the fact that the guards outside did not stop me when I came in here." Ijekiel finally said after a long silence. 

"How were you not aware that this was private property when you are inside of palace grouds? Given your status as future heir to the Alpheus dukedom, you should know fully well by now that anything on palace grounds belong to his majesty and the princess, so therefore without specific instruction from his majesty or the princess themselves, you have absolutely no right to simply waltz in here, and intrude on the princess's private library. Do you understand, sir Alpheus? This is a crime punishable by death, so you're lucky you're not being dragged to the dungeon as we speak." Lucas glared, with a small grin on his face, practically shouting 'I won, beat that you stupid dog'

Athy sighed as she watch Ijekiel's expression falter. 

"So, sir Alpheus, would you please make your way out of my library? I would very much appreciate it." Athy put on a fake smile. In her mind, she was screaming at him to leave immediately. The whole situation was so uncomfortable that she could barely breathe properly.

"...Yes, princess." The boy slowly nodded. "I apologize for intruding on your private library. Please excuse me for browsing through your personal collection, princess. I found some, rather....interesting books in there..."

Ijekiel bowed, and kissed Athy's hand. 

"I'm looking foward to being invited to one of your 'tea parties' in the future." he whispered. 

Athy blushed like a rose, and Ijekiel finally left.

"What a show off..." Lucas muttered under his breath. "Anyways..."

Lucas eyed the books on the floor.

He smirked.

"What are these 'interesting books' that the mutt speaks of?" Lucas laughed as he picked up the books. "Wow, 'Lady Dvari's love contract'... 'The Princess's First Crush' you like these kinds of books?" Lucas teased, holding the books up in the air.

"Give them backk!!!!" Athy yelled as she desperately tries to take the books from Lucas's hand. "They're...they're not mine!"

"Sure they aren't. Let's see...there's 'The Pure Heart of the Greatest Swordsman-

The door slammed open.

"Princess! Are you okay? We heard screaming!" The knights yelled, sword in hands, ready to attack. But they instantly put them down when they heard a book drop to the ground. 

It titled "Why did the Fair Lady Dvari only serve Oysters to the wandering Knight?"

Athy was blushing so much that her face could be mistakened for an apple now.

"So...why did the fair lady Dvari only serve oysters to the wandering knight? Do you know the reason why, gentlemen?" Lucas asked, with a smirk plastered on his face. 

"N-No! How could we ever...?" The guards stuttered.

"Th-This must belong to that guy who left just left now!" Athy suddenly yelled. "I will make sure he gets it back later!!!" Athy quickly gathered all the books from the floor and put them on a nearby table.

'The guy who just left...?' The guards wondered. 

"Besides those books, don't you two have something to say to the princess...?" Lucas glared.

"U-Um....if the princess loves those books so much, I r-reccomend 'The Kind Princess and the Hungry Pri-

"Out! Get Out!" I yelled, blushing like crazy. The guards nodded quickly and headed out the door. Lucas tried to contain his laughter.

'Burn...those books are gonna burn....' 




Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to get it out as soon as possible so that everyone knows that I'm not dead *laughs nervously* Also, the holidays are coming up, and I wanted you to take this chapter as an early Christmas gift of some sorts, and also as an apology for not updating for so long, I was pretty busy with schoolwork and etc. But, I will try my best to upload as often as I can! This will probably be the last chapter of 2020, and I hope you all have a merry christmas and a very happy new year! Thank you so much for reading, and have a great day/night/afternoon/evening!

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