"There Is Love In War" Technoblade X Reader (Part One)

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(This is a request. Bird Brain you better be happy)
(Imma go with a guess and say this is in game, so enjoy your scary man👍)
(The request was PvP, imma make it a 1v1👍 Ok? Ok.)

Y/N saw their name flash up on the board. They knew what was coming. Y/N looked right next to their name to see who they were up against, and sadly it was Technoblade. Y/N had heard stories of him, and his PvP skills, how he was a "heartless killer", but Y/N knew Technoblade. They knew he wouldn't be nice to anyone when it came to PvP. He was the one that had to win.

They spawned on the platform and looked at eachother. Neither of them were going to give up. Neither of them stopped to think about who the would be up against. They were both set of winning. They got the sign that they could fight and they swung their swords at eachother. This lasted for many hours. Both were covered in cuts and bruises, but neither of them were gonna give up. The right continued until Techno made a miss step and fell. Y/N took this opportunity to walk up to him, with their sword pointed at his face they said "Good bye Techno. I'll be taking that title of yours." Then everything went dark for Technoblade. He respawned facing the board. "Dang it..." He huffed. Obviously being angry at the fact he lost. But he cheered up when he saw that Y/N won their third match today, he saw their smile.

Y/N spawned back in their spot and ran to Techno "I'm sorry! I didn't wanna do that" Y/N said looking teary eyed. "It's ok. See I'm ok. It's just a game Y/N. I'm completely fine. You won fair and square. You did really well Y/N. I'm proud of you." Technoblade said smiling down at Y/N. "If you say so" Y/N said. They stopped playing PvP and decided to start a world. They spawned and laughed as Techno had fallen out of the sky and his crown fell off.

(Time Skip Brought To You By: Techno killing all the orphans)

(You guys collected a bunch of recourses and made a house. It was just a wooden cabin.) (For the sake of this being a romantic book, there's one bed. Y'all only found three sheep. Okie? Okie.)

The sun had set and the house was finished. Y/N and Techno entered the house and looked around. They both noticed one flaw tho... There was only one bed. (Let's just go with minecraft logic ain't hear and two people can sleep on a bed. Okie?!) "It'll be fine, right? We can sleep on the same bed... It'll be fine." Techno said with a very nervous face.

They got out of their armour and got into bed. They were facing away from each other (👍)  Techno fell right asleep, while Y/N on the other hand couldn't sleep. All of a sudden Techno started shifting in his sleep. He was now facing Y/N's back. One arm wrapped around Y/N waist and pulled them back. "T-Techno?" Y/N said. They realised he was still asleep. Blush crept onto Y/N's face, but some how, they managed to fall asleep. Technoblade woke up first and realised what he was holding. He starred and the human and smiled. Normally he wouldn't do this, but he decided to do it. He cuddled into Y/N and just laid there. Y/N woke up and still felt arms around their waist. Y/N turned and was met with Techno being wide awake. "Good morning sleepy head." Technoblade said. "Morning Techno" Y/N responded.

(Another Time Skip Brought To You By: Tubbo's obsession with bee's)

(You both had finally woke all the way up and got ready for the day.)

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