"Just Friends" (Dream X Reader) Part 1

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(Not A Request)

It was a normal day for Y/N. They were just waiting for their friend to end his stream so they could hangout. It had been a while since they actually hungout, so they planned to meet up right after the stream ended.

Dream ended his stream and texted his friend Y/N.
Dream💚: You ready to hangout?!
✨Y/N✨: Yup!
Dream💚: Meet you outside in five?
✨Y/N✨: Meet you outside in five👍

They both stopped texting and got ready. They both took a step out of their house and locked the doors. They didn't live that far away from each other which made hanging out slightly easier, but considering that Dream was a streamer and Y/N was going to college, they didn't really have the time anymore. But today was finally a break for both of them. They met at an in-between both houses area and started talking.

"So how did the stream go?" Y/N asked. "It went really well. How's school been going for you?" Dream responded. "Ehhhhh... Lot's of work, lot's of tests, you know how it is" They said. "Yeah." Dream responded. Then everything went silent between the two as they kept walking down the sidewalk.

The sun was starting to set and the temperature decreased. Y/N shivered as the cold air hit their skin. Dream took off his hoodie and handed it to  Y/N. Y/N looked slightly confused but took the hoodie anyways. They slipped it on and felt way warmer. Dream blushed as he looked at the person walking next to him. Good thing for him, it was getting dark enough where it was hard to tell he was blushing. They kept walking not really sure where they were going at this point. "Do you wanna get some food?" Dream asked. "Sure." Y/N said, smiling at the thought of getting food.

They walked a little longer until they got to a restaurant (Some kind of fast food place, which ever you want.) They ordered and got their food and sat down. They ate and talked a for a while. Dream snatched one of Y/N's french fries. "Hey! That's mine!" Y/N yelled at the blonde. (Dirty blond? What ever the honk the dude is.) "Yeah, it WAS yours, but now it's mine." Dream said as he ate the fry (IDK how to spell it😭) Y/N snatched one of his fries as revenge. This started a tiny food right between the two. They threw fries at each other for a tiny bit before they realised workers were starring at them. They quickly finished their food and left. They walked out and started laughing hysterically.

(Time Skip Brought To You By: BadBoyHalo not swearing, and saying Muffin instead)

The two had gone to Dream's house to watch a movie. Dream made the popcorn and they sat down on the couch next to each other. Almost an hour into the movie Y/N started feeling tired. Y/n laid their head on Dream's shoulder and passed out. Dream looked at Y/n with a smile, and grabbed a blanket and put it around them. When the movie ended they were both fast asleep leaning against each other.

Dream woke up first, seeing Y/n still sleeping. He smiled again. "Their so cute..." Dream thought. The sleeping person woke up and rubbed their eyes. "Good morning sunshine" Dream said. "Good morning Dream" Y/N said sleepily. Once Y/N fully woke up and let Dream stand up, he walked off to the kitchen and said "What do you want for breakfast?". "I don't know. Whatever you wants fine." Y/N responded. And with that Dream started making pancakes. (If you don't like pancakes, how do you live?) Once he was done he set down two plates on the dinning table and sat down. Followed by Y/N. They both started eating their food and talking again. (wow...) "These are really good Dream" Y/N said as they ate more of the food. "Yeah obviously, I made them, their obviously gonna be good" Dream said. Y/N just started at him with a 'Really?' face.

(Another Time Skip Brought To You By: Karl's monster addiction)

Y/N had gone home and Dream was just sitting on the couch talking to Snapcha- I mean SapNap. (They were on a call. Good? Good.) "So do you like Y/n? I mean from what you keep saying, it seems like you like them" SapNap said through the phone. "I don't know... I haven't really thought about it before..." Dream said.  (Let's just pretend SapNap asks Dream a bunch of questions related to crushes, and wouldn't you know it Dream like you) "Dream I'm diagnosing you with a crush" SapNap laughed. Dream thought about it for a minute. And slowly started to come to terms that he likes Y/N

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