"Stuck" Ranboo X Reader

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(This isn't a request.)

Y/N and Ranboo were at the amusement park, they went on a lot of the rides and did a lot of other stuff. They had been running around through the amusement park all day now, and Y/N had one thing they wanted to do most. They wanted to go on the Farris Wheel. But knowing Ranboo, he probably wouldn't want to do it. But when Y/N asked about it, Ranboo said sure, and they got into the line. It's wasn't a very long line. Y/N was excited while Ranboo stood next to them, starring at the very tall ride.

A bit of time had passed and the line was no longer there, it was their turn to get into one of the seating things. (Idk what there called🤣) They sat next to eachother and the ride started. Everything was going well, they had made it almost to the top and they looked at everything around them. Ranboo was still tense, but he looked amazed by the view, the ride continued for a little bit until they were fully at the top, then the ride completely stopped. It was stuck.

Ranboo tensed up even more, and tried to keep his head from looking over the edge. "Ranboo?" Y/N called. "Y-yeah?" Ranboo responded. "Are you alright?" Y/N asked. Ranboo shook his head no. "Is it the height?" Y/N asked. Ranboo nodded. Y/N let out a small laugh. "The tallest person ever, is scared of heights?" They joked. "It's not funny Y/N. I haven't been up this high before. And we're literally in a death trap!" Ranboo said.

Y/N scooted over a little and pulled Ranboo closer, they kissed his head. "It's alright. They'll get us down soon." Y/N said calmly. Ranboo sighed, then nodded. He put his head in their lap and tried to keep normal breathing. Y/N runs their fingers through his hair in hopes to calm him down. They've been up there for a good bit of time now. All of a sudden the ride starts up again. Ranboo calms down when they get to the bottom. The door (thingy🤣) opens and he grabs Y/N's hand and runs out. Y/N chuckles. "See it wasn't that bad" Y/N said. "No, it was that bad." Ranboo responded.

Y/N and Ranboo stayed a little longer, and won eachother these:

Y/N and Ranboo stayed a little longer, and won eachother these:

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(you get one and he gets he other👍)

(The end?)

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