"Deal" Mexican Dream X Reader

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(this is a request from the enderman and Father Dearest🙄🤣) (warning: your boy's about to get kinda sweary... Also there is drugs because it's Mexican Dream I'm writing about... And because Father dearest wanted it so badly, murder😅) (MD stands for Mexican Dream, I was just being lazy🥺😭)

It was a normal day for Y/N. They were going to meet their dealer yet again that week. Y/N been addicted since they were 15 after peer pressure got the best of them, so their dealer's been helping them for a while now. (So like now y'all 20 cause logic stupids. I'm kidding. Y'all aren't stupid.) Y/N was on edge just trying to walk down the street, as last time they went out they were almost caught.

Y/N kept their head down looking at their phone. They had to make sure they were going to the right place. Y/N finally got near the meeting spot. They walked down an alley way to actually get to the spot. "Hello?" Y/N called out. A figure shifted and moved in the darkness. "We're you followed this time, Y/N?" The figure asked. "I don't think so..." Y/N quietly responded. "You really need to start knowing if you were followed. You almost got us caught last time Y/N. And I don't want to end up in jail because of you" The figure said sounding very annoyed. "I'm sorry MD. It was an accident." Y/N said rubbing their arm.

"Whatever. Now the $250?" Mexican Dream asked (Ender rat if you laugh at me for this I'll tell Father Dearest to best you up😤) Y/N handed over the money and Mexican Dream handed them a bag full of (Whatever the honk you want ok?) Y/N smiled at the bag and thanked him. Y/N turned around to leave and was met with the sound of foot steps running through the alley. "You said you weren't followed! You idiot!" MD yelled. "I didn't think I was. Run now, yell at me later!" Y/N yelled back. They bother started running down the other alley way. They were met with a fence. "Sh*t" they said in unison.

Mexican Dream boosted Y/N over the fence then leaped over. "Your an idiot Y/N" he said. "Yeah yeah. Just keep running" They responded. They ran down the street with the cops just getting over the fence. The two kept running. They ran down another alley and hid behind a dumpster as the officer's ran right past them. "Shh. Don't move yet. They might still be around." He said looking over to his side (looking at you since your next to him) "Your still a dumba$s Y/N" he continued. "And your a drug dealer. Are you sure I'm the only dumba$s?" Y/N said smirking. "F*ck off. You got us caught. I can go to jail because of your dumba$s!" He yelled. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have paid attention." Y/N said quietly.

"Yeah you should have. Now we have to sit here and smell sh*t until the cops go away" Mexican Dream said angrily. "Well hey, look on the bright side. At least we have drugs and company." Y/N laughed. "Ayyyyyyyyy it's just the two of us here" he yelled. (I hate myself. I'm gonna hate myself even more now. *does F-boy chin rub* I hate myself. Kill me now please🥺) "Weirdo..." Y/N laughed.

The two sat the for a while until the sun started setting. They both stood up and sneaked off out of the alley. Mexican Dream led Y/N to a hotel where they could hide out for a bit. "Me and the boys hide around here all the time" He said looking up to the worn down sign. They both walked in and he walked up to the front desk. The woman working the front desk looked at him for a minute then looked over at Y/N, then slid him a key. MD led Y/N to the room. He unlocked and opened the door and walked in. "F*ck..." He said looking at the room. Y/N walked in and just starred. There was on bed.

"I'm not sleeping on the f*cking floor" Y/N said. "Well neither am I!" He yelled. "Couldn't we just ask for another room?" Y/N asked. "She'd beat my a$s. Let's not" He responded. "We can always suck it up and share." Y/N said. He just nodded and left to another part of the room. Y/N checked the bed side tables, the sheets, the curtains, the bath room, and the rest of the furniture. (Anyone else check the bed side tables to see if they have the bible in them? Or is that just me... Like me family straight up leaves if the Bible is missing because it makes the place sketchy. My family isn't even religious 🤣)

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