"Shorty" Ranboo X Reader

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(This Is A Request👍 Thank you 'Potato_Rights' you totally exist and definitely aren't my best friends fake username that I used to lie to someone with. Thank you for the request)

(Everyone's wearing a mask that's what was requested by this totally real user that definitely isn't my friend's made up user name)

Y/N was at school, talking to a group of people about whatever was going on in school when all of a sudden, their friend Ranboo came out of no where and yelled "Shorty!" Which if that didn't scare Y/N enough, the fact that the bell rang right after definitely did.

Y/N walks to their science class and sits down. Ranboo walks in and sits in his seat (For the sake of this story the seat is right next yours *proceeds to the the F-boy chin rub thing*) The teacher walks in and gets straight into his lesson. "So today class you'll be doing a project, that you will have to present to the class on Monday in a week, now the fun part, partners!" The teacher says. Y/N could already see their classmates stare at eachother with the whole "Partner's now?" Look. Then the teacher had a fun surprise "I'm picking your partner's! Your partner's are your table mates! Meaning you two at a table will be partner's!" He said as the class let out a groan.

Y/N starred next to them and sees their partner. "Ranboo..." They mumbled. Ranboo scooted closer and started speaking "Looks like we're partner's Y/N" he gave a wink and laughed. Y/N sighed and smacked their forehead against the table. "Come on Y/N! It isn't going to be that bad!" Ranboo said starring at the human next to him. "Yeah. Totally..." Y/N said as they kept their forehead against the very edge of the table.

(Time Skip Brought To You By: Ranboo being the prettiest boy other than myself of course *does F-boy chin rub*)

School was over and Y/N was getting their stuff from their locker. They shut their locker to see their very tall friend standing there. "Well hello Y/N" Ranboo said. "Hello Ranboo" Y/N responded. "You ready to start working on the project?" He said walking with Y/N out of the school. "Sure" Y/N said monotonley keeping the face starring infront of them. They kept walking until they got to Y/N's house. They settled on meeting at their house to work on the project there.

You both walked through the house and to your room. You both sat down at a table and started working. You started getting frustrated on the subject you were working on and slammed your book shut and stood up. The sudden action startled Ranboo. He looked up from his book quickly to be met with Y/N's frustrated figure walking away from the table. "That's it. I'm going down to get snacks. Want anything?" Y/N asked. "Whatever is fine with me. I'll keep working while you go get the snacks. Also uh- Could I get some water?" He asked getting kinda nervous (I get horrible anxiety asking for a drink or food at someone's house. Let's just go with same for you👍) Y/N walks out of the room and downstairs and grabbed two water bottles and the box of Cheez Its. (you like these delicious snacks for the sake of the story. Cause I said so!)

Y/N gets back to their room and puts down the water and snack. Then gets back to work with tiny snack, water, and talking breaks. Y/N may act like they don't like Ranboo, but I'm reality, they were really good friends that just acted like they didn't like eachother much. They both continued working until Y/N passed out with their head against the book. Ranboo looked up and saw Y/N asleep. He chuckled and stood up to grab the blanket that was on Y/N bed. He wrapped it around them and then sat back down in his seat. He kept working until he two fell asleep.

Y/N woke up and cuddled into the blanket "God it's so cold in the morning" They said as the started getting up. Y/N saw Ranboo passed out still and laughed quietly. Y/N admired the sleeping boy for a bit, then got startled when he shifted in his sleep. (Your sitting down again starring at him) He mumbled in his sleep. It was impossible to tell what he was saying but Y/N still thought it was cute. (Let's just go with what I'm about to say. Ok? Ok.) He shivered, Y/N felt bad so they grabbed a hoodie for themselves and wrapped Ranboo in the blanket. (I'm only ok at writing cute wholesome stuff👍)

Y/N continued to eat the snack that was left out from the day before (Cheez Its people. The delicious cheese flavored yet salty snacks that I would eat any day) Y/N finished their water and got back to work on the project, but listened very closely for any sound coming from Ranboo. He continued to mumble incoherent things while shifting around in his seat. Y/N started giggling at the boy, but tried to stay quiet as to not wake him. He eventually woke up and looked day Y/N. "Good morning" he said sleepily. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" Y/N responded. Y/N laughed about what they had just said then went back to work.

Ranboo started getting back to work as well when Y/N's parent's called for them. "I have to step away for a second. Don't do anything dumb ender-boy" Y/N said. "I won't shorty" Ranboo responded. "I'm not that short! Your just an enderman!" Y/N yelled as they walked out of the room and down the stairs.

"Yes mum and dad? What's up?" Y/N asked their parents. "We're leaving for the day. Please don't get into any trouble." Y/N parents said. "Ok" Y/N said and went back upstairs. "Well Ranboo looks like it's just us now." Y/N said then started laughing. This caused Ranboo to start laughing as well. "Ok. Ok. Back to work ender-boy!" Y/N said. "Aye-aye capitan shorty!" Ranboo responded. "I hate you" Y/N said while starring at Ranboo with a death glare. "I love you too Shorty!" Ranboo said. Then they both realised what had been said. They both went red. "I-I I didn't- I don't- I didn't mean- I didn't mean to say that!" Ranboo stuttered out. Y/N looked super red, along with Ranboo. They finally calmed down and got back to work. Ranboo still felt nervous to speak after what he had said. So he stayed quiet. Y/N stayed quiet as well, but only because they were focused on the project.

Ranboo kept worrying about what he had said. "Maybe I should talk to them... I mean what's the worst that's gonna happen? Who am I kidding they probably don't want to talk to me after that. That was embarrassing" He thought. Y/N cleared that throat and looked up. "I think we can take a break. We've been working for hours now. Let's go down stairs" Y/N said while standing up and stretching. "Ok" Ranboo said also standing up and stretching. They both walked down stairs. "So anything you want to do Ranboo?" Y/N asked. "I don't know... Uh... Video games? Maybe..." Ranboo responded. "Is minecraft ok with you Mr. Ender-boy?" Y/N laughed. "Yeah." Ranboo said.

(Another Time Skip Brought To You By: Tubbo and Ranboo's three marriages and divorces)

They had started playing the game over an hour ago now, and we're currently trying to kill eachother because Y/N tried to steal Ranboo's bread. "Just give me the bread Y/N!" Ranboo yelled. "No! I'm hungry!" Y/N yelled back. "You could just ask! Not steal! Now you must die!' Ranboo said hitting Y/N with his sword. "Stop! STOP! I'M GONNA KILL YOU! I JUST CHECKED YOUR HEARTS! YOUR LOW! YOUR GONNA DIE! BACK OFF YOU ENDERMAN!" Y/N yelled.

(Another Time Skip Brought To You By: Your author being tired and not having brain cells right now)

After a few more hours of playing Minecraft they stopped and grabbed more water and snacks and ran back upstairs to work. Another few hours had passed and Y/N looked at their phone. It was getting late. "Ranboo, you gonna stay another night here to finish the project or do you wanna go home?" Y/N asked. "I'll stay another night. Let me just tell my parents" Ranboo said as he pulled out his phone. About a minute later Ranboo looks up from his phone and says "Alright. My parents know I'm gonna stay here again."

A few minutes later Y/N stopped working and said "Look the sun! The sun! It's setting. Come with me!" Y/N dragged the tall boy over to the window. Y/N opened the window and climbed out onto the roof. "Come on!" Y/N called for him. Ranboo carefully got through the window nervously waddling to Y/N. They both sat down and watched the sun set from the roof. Y/N laid their head on Ranboo's shoulder. Ranboo finally let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding. He put his arm around Y/N and pulled them closer as they watched the sunset together. They both were blushing. Both were thankful that it was dark out. The sun finally finished setting and it was completely dark outside. Y/N moved their head and laid down on the roof and looked up at the stars. Ranboo did the same. Y/N reached for Ranboo's hand. Their fingers intertwined as they continued to look at the stars. That's when both of them were sure of one thing. That they loved eachother.

Y/N felt som confidence suddenly and quietly said to the boy "I love you" "I love you too" Ranboo whispered back. And with that the turned to face eachother, they leaned into eachother and their lips met. It was a short kiss but it was perfect to the pair. Then cuddled on the roof and fell asleep. Completely forgetting about the project due the next day.

(A/N I hope you guys liked this chapter, I know it's really long but my friend requested it and I thought that this turned out well, and I wanted this to be perfect.)

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