"Soulmates" Tommy and Reader (part 2)

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(Part two was requested, ad I have delivered.)
(This is being continued 👍)


♥️💥Tommy My Beloved 💥♥️: Nooo stop.

✨💖Y/N My Beloved 💖✨: Nope.

This continued on for a while until Tommy stopped responding. Y/N felt a little sad, but it was late for them both. (If y'all have similar time zones or slightly different ones or something. Idk) Y/N had to mess with him one last time today tho, so they pulled the sting hard towards them self, and after a minute got a notification. "♥️💥Tommy My Beloved 💥♥️: YOU FUCKING BITCH! STOP IT! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! I HAVE TO GO TO COLLEGE TOMORROW!
✨💖Y/N My Beloved 💖✨: Fine meanie🙄🙄
♥️💥Tommy My Beloved 💥♥️: Goodnight Y/N.
✨💖Y/My Beloved 💖✨: Goodnight Tomathy.

Then they both went to bed. They both woke up like normal, went to school, just a normal day. Until Y/N got a message from their mom.

✨Mother Dearest✨: Y/N I have great news.
Y/N: What's up?
✨ Mother Dearest✨: We're going on a trip to (insert where ever the honk Tommy lives)
✨Mother Dearest ✨: Yeah? We going on a trip, so start packing. We're going for a couple months and we're leaving tomorrow.
Y/N: Ok👍

And that was the end of the conversation, Y/N shot off their bed and ran around their room to grab what they need to bring, they had clothes for the trip, everything else they would need, and packed their chargers, laptop, and their other streaming stuff. Then went back on their phone to text Tommy.

✨💖Y/N My Beloved 💖✨: Tommy guess what!
♥️💥Tommy My Beloved 💥♥️: What Y/N?
✨💖Y/N My Beloved 💖✨: I'm going on a trip to (where ever he lives).
♥️💥Tommy My Beloved 💥♥️: REALLY?!
✨💖Y/N My Beloved 💖✨: YES REALLY!
✨💖Y/N My Beloved 💖✨: YESSS! LET'S DO IT!

(Time Skip Brought To You By: Me being a bitch and deciding to put a time skip. The fuck you gonna do about it😤😤😤😤😤)

Y/N had finally gotten off the plane and quickly ran to get their stuff and to find Tommy. "Where the hell is he? He said he'd be here" Y/N said quietly. Tommy then came running around the corner yelling. "Sorry Y/N! There was a crowd of people at the front, I couldn't get through." "It's alright Tommy" Y/N responded. Y/N's mother a hand on their shoulder. "You already have friends here? That's great Y/N." She said. Y/N slowly nodded.

They got to where they'd be staying and unpacked everything, Y/N then ran outside and walked to Tommy's house (magic ok?😭) Tommy opened the door before Y/N even got a chance to knock. "Y/N! Hi!" Tommy shouted. They went inside and started a stream, they started their streams on their own channels and waited for people to join, after a while Tommy shouted "Hey Tubbo!" And got a response in the chat from him, saying "Hi Tommy!" And Tommy just kinda talked a little and so did Y/N, their chats had no idea they were in the same room. They both looked to eachother and smirked, then turned their cameras to eachother and shouted "SURPRISE!". The chat had so many messages they couldn't keep up with it. And a lot were from Tubbo. The chats were confused.

(Time Skip Brought To You By: Me being sick again and sleep deprived while trying to make moon water and worrying about school tomorrow ✌️)

The chats had calmed down, and they were having calm streams where they'd answer questions that the chat and Tubbo wanted to know. One person asked if they found their soulmates, and Y/N started talking about everything "Well when we were streaming and we both kept getting pulled, that was eachother. We're soulmates" and explained a little more. Then another person said "Y/N you should pull Tommy again." And Y/N did, they moved their hand super quickly and Tommy got pulled from his chair. "DAMN IT Y/N THAT FUCKING HURT!" Tommy yelled from the ground, Y/N laughed at him before being pulled down to the ground two. The chat could hear them laughing on the floor. They both got up and back in their seats. And looked at the chat again, someone had asked another question. "Are you guys platonic or romantic soulmates?" And the two instantly knew the answer, "Platonic" the two said in sync. After that, the chat was calm and there weren't really anymore questions, Y/N had accidentally fallen asleep, leaving Tommy awake and streaming still. "Y/N fell asleep, time to annoy the hell out of them." Tommy said. He quickly moved his arm and tugged Y/N out of their chair. "OWW! WHAT THE HELL TOMMY?!" Y/N yelled. "You fell asleep (🤷)" he responded. Y/N rolled their eyes and got back in their chair. After a couple more hours of questions, they said goodbye to their chats and ended stream. Tubbo called Tommy. "YOU GUYS MET UP AND DIDN'T TELL ME?- TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled as soon as the call got through. "Sorry?" Tommy responded. "HII Y/N!" Tubbo yelled. "Hi Tubbo" Y/n answered. They all talked for a little bit, Y/n kinda zoning out every once in a while. "Oh guys- I forgot to say, but Ranboo's coming over to visit soon two! And we were wondering if you guys would want to meet up." Tubbo said excitedly. Tommy and Y/n agreed to it and Tubbo invited Ranboo to the call. "Hey Tommy, hey Tubbo. What's up?" Ranboo said. "Ranboo, Tommy found his soulmate and their there with him now. Their name's Y/n." Tubbo said. "As in (insert username here) Y/n? Yu mean that Y/n?" Ranboo asked. "yeah" Tommy answered. "I watch your streams a lot Y/n. Nice to talk to you" Ranboo said. "Nice to talk to you two, I watch your a lot two" Y/n laughed.

(The end for now, I just wanted to get a chapter out and I saw this one wasn't done and just started, so I finished it up, and I'll be working on a part three later🥲😭)

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