Author's Note/Help

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Hiya, probably a little random but I figured I'd ask you guys, but if any of you find a chapter or multiple or like a specific line I've written that goes against a content creators boundaries, please let me know, I'll either take it down or rewrite it in a different way to make it within their boundaries.

Either comment on this chapter with the name of the chapter that is against boundaries or comment on the chapter itself and point out what goes against them, I just want to be respectful and I've realized that maybe I didn't do enough deep diving into CC's boundaries before writing.

Also, thank you everyone for reading all these chapters, I love seeing how even when I'm not writing this book still seems to grow and be enjoyed, I love you all so much and I'm so grateful that you guys have enjoyed my writing over the years, I pinky swear I'm trying to get back into writing so I can get a new chapter out for y'all <3

Have a wonderful day and remember to take care of yourselves, you are all amazing!

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