"Just Breath" Tubbo And Reader

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(This was another chapter I made because I was bored)
(⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ Panic attacks)

Y/N and Tubbo were hanging out, and doing their own thing while Tubbo's sisters and parents were watching a movie. Y/N's phone started getting text after text. "Y/N, your phone" Tubbo said. Y/N checked their phone and saw notifications from (insert a social media here) and from an ex friend. The (social media) notifications were mean things about Y/N and how they were using their friendship with Tubbo to get famous.

Y/N looked sadly at their phone. "Y/N?" Tubbo called. "Hm?" Y/N responded. "What's wrong?" He said. "Nothing. I'm fine Tubbo" Y/N said. Y/N kept getting more and more of these messages. Y/N's chest felt tight, and their breathing sped up. Their eyes darted to their phone, Tubbo, and many other things. Y/N couldn't calm down no matter how much they tried. "T-Tubbo" Y/N said quietly. Tubbo hadn't heard. Y/N couldn't talk, their eyes were filled with tears as more escaped their eyes. Y/N leaned forward and tapped on Tubbo's back.

Tubbo turned around to face them "Yes Y/N, what is it-" Tubbo started. He noticed Y/N's heavy breathing. "Hey, I'm here. I'm here. Calm down. Just B breath. Breath with me Y/N, your alright." Tubbo said comfortingly. Tubbo was hugging Y/N rubbing the back of their head trying his best to calm them. "Y/N, are you ok now?" Tubbo asked. Y/N nodded their head. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. "Yeah" Y/N responded. "What happened?" Tubbo asked. "My phone kept going off, and everything I was getting was from people being mean- There was too much of it." Y/N replied shakily.

"Y/N, hand me your phone." Tubbo said. Y/N passed him their phone, he opened it and muted all social medias. Only leaving their good friends, Y/M's family, and himself unmuted. "Now you won't get as many messages" Tubbo said smiling. "Thanks." Y/N said. And with that, the two continued on with their day.

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