"The Rain" Ranboo X Reader (Part One)

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(This isn't a request.)
(I started this late at night. So sorry if it sucks, but I thought it would be a bit funny and cute. Funny: cause I literally act like a child and have a fear of lightning and thunder. Cute: because Ranboo gonna come be a life saver for the fear here in this story. But wait around to see what happens)
(Please don't judge this. I literally wrote this late at night, and then later in the morning at school because I felt bad for making y'all wait so long for an update. So enjoy what I've been posting. There's a bit more that isn't posted yet, but once it's done, it'll be out. Eventually...)

It was just a normal night. Y/N and Ranboo were hanging out at his place just talking while Ranboo played minecraft. "I wonder what we'll be doing when we get back to school" Y/N said. "I don't know. But I do know we have a test when we get back " Ranboo responded. "No! Not another test!" Y/N sighed. "Yeah sadly, we have another test to do." Ranboo laughed. "It's not funny. I have to take two other tests when we get back" Y/N flopped onto Ranboo's bed. "My brain is going to melt Ranboo! Do you hear me! It's gonna be gone! Poof! Brain gone!" Y/N yelled. Ranboo just chuckled at the human that was still going on about being upset about the tests. "Like why do they have to-" Y/N didn't get to finish their sentence as their words were met with the sound of thunder and a flash of lightning. "So I'm just gonna quickly save this before something bad happens to the electricity" Ranboo said while saving the game and leaving. He pulled out his phone and started scrolling. He only stopped when he realised how dead silent it was. He looked up at Y/N and saw them just sitting there with wide eyes starring at a wall. "Y/N you good? Is there a spider?" Ranboo asked.

"I'm fine. There's no spider." Y/N quickly said. "Then why do you look like you just saw a demon or something" Ranboo asked. "It's nothing. It's fine" Y/N shook their head and took their focuss away from the wall to look at their extremely tall bestfriend. Another crash of thunder. Y/N jumped, just enough to where Ranboo noticed. "Y/N? Oh... Are you ok? Is it the thunder" Ranboo questioned. "Y-yeah... It's the thunder" Y/an said bringing their knees to their chest. (Idk curling up in a ball? Idk proper words.) Ranboo stood up and closed the blinds (cause seeing the lightning flashes are scary ok? Just constant flashing lights outside your window late at night. It's actually terrifying.)

He walked up to his bed and say next to Y/N. (Like facing Y/N sitting criss cross apple sauce. I think that's what it's called... Idk I never learned. I just sit like that🤷) "Hey it's ok. You'll be ok. It'll be over soon enough Y/N" Ranboo spoke softly. Y/N turned and started sitting the way he was, and was facing him. "I-I know... It's just so loud..." Y/N stuttered out. Ranboo pulled Y/N in for a hug to make them feel better. After about an hour of Y/N being freaked out by the storm outside, Ranboo had managed to calm them down.

Y/N was now laid down facing away from the window, while Ranboo was sitting on the bed facing Y/N.

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