"Just Friends" Dream X Reader (Part two)

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(This isn't a request)
(This is a part two to "Just friends" if you haven't read the first part, go back and read it stupid. Don't skip parts. Read the part one and twos and threes and crap. Dummy)

Dream realised he liked Y/N, but how would he tell them...
"Dream you need to man up and tell Y/n." SapNap said through the phone. "I know. I know... But what if they don't like me back? I really don't want to ruin our friendship... I've known them for years, and it would really suck to lose them..." Dream said thinking back to all the fun times they've had together. "I'm getting another call Dream. I am gonna take it, your gonna sit there and sort your crap out. Call me back when your realization time is done. Bye" SapNap said. And with that the call ended. But poor SapNap needed to deal with another crush questioning friend.

SapNap answered the phone. "Hello? Y/N what's up?". "SnapChatttttt" Y/N said. "I hate that. But whatever. What is it child?" SapNap said getting angry over the nickname. "It's Dream..." Y/N sighed through the phone. "Oh boy... Give me the tea. Now." SapNap said. (God I hate myself) "I don't know... I noticed that I get blushy around him, and I've noticed so much about him that I never have..." Y/N said flopping onto her bed. "I'm a doctor. Tell me what's going on with you. And I'll diagnose you with what illness you have" SapNap said laughing. Y/N chuckled and said "Well I've noticed things, and I've felt different around him too". "Go on child. What have you noticed and felt" SapNap said listening to his friend. "Well I've noticed I get butterflies around him, I'm more blushy around him, I've noticed more about him too. Like the way he messed with his hair where he's stressed, or how he'll act a little goofy when he's happy. Or how he has freckles right under his eye" Y/N explained. (Like two or three freckles ok? We all on the same page? Great) "Oh God Y/n... You've got it bad. You have an illness that most of his fans have... You have 'CrushOnDream disease' and your gonna die if you don't deal with it" SapNap joked. This made Y/N really think about it. Did they like him? No. They couldn't. But Y/n has noticed the crush 'symptoms' Maybe they really do have a crush on Dream...

"This is where I leave you to figure your crap out. Bye Y/N." SapNap said. "Bye SapNap. Thanks for putting up with me today" Y/N said. "No problem. Now I really gotta go. Byeeeeee" Then SapNap hung up. Y/N sighed and got off their bed and walked into the kitchen to make food (cause your hungry stupid) Y/n made their food and sat down at the couch to watch TV.

Y/n stopped paying attention to really think about it... Did Y/n like him? After much consideration, they came to the conclusion that they did like Dream.

(Time Skip Brought To You By: Author saying they were on break but are in fact writing everyday of that break to make sure I have something to post when I come back)

(Let's just say you and Dream have a routine of calling eachother on facetime late at night and calling until both of you pass out. Okie? Great👍)

It was another normal night for Y/N and Dream. They had been on facetime for a little over an hour now. (Make up a random time at night. Cool👍) They both started feeling tired, but both decided to say nothing about it and keep the call going. (GOD I HATE MYSELF) (Alright so Dream falls asleep ok? And if you've seen the picture I put in at the top, well he is positioned like that and he's facing his phone. Ok? Does this sort everything out? Cool)

Y/N looks at their phone to be met with their sleeping friend. "Dream?" Y/n called out quietly. No response. They tried again for a little bit, but Y/n never got a response. So they just let him sleep. Y/N walked over to their bed and put their phone on the nightstand (I HATE MYSELFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
(The phone is facing you, so then you can see him and he, if he were to wake up, could see you. Ok? Does this make sense at all?)

Y/N laid down and got under their covers. Y/n fell asleep shortly after.
(Time Skip Brought To You By: Author finally getting a comment from someone other than their friend 🥺😭) Dream woke up and looked at his phone. He was met with Y/N still being asleep. (Idk what to write and I'm running out of ideas... I think this will be moved to a part three... I didn't want to have like 20 parts for this one story, but I'm running out of inspiration... So, this is where I leave it for now...)

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